A Fantasy of Yours
Day 71 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2023, A Fantasy of Yours is a piece about writing, imagination, and hidden suggestions.

A Fantasy of Yours
“So, you’re a writer?” Amy asked.
“Yes,” Devon replied.
“I love writers. Write down a fantasy of yours and I’ll make it come true.”
“For real?”
He reached for a napkin and wrote: being hypnotized by a stranger.
“Wait, what?” he blinked
“Thank you for being a good subject,” she winked and walked away.
How this story came to be
If you’ve been following this challenge for a while, by now you know I love to write about writing and covert hypnosis has always been something that fascinated me although I don’t particularly respond well to it. I wrote this one just for fun, nothing more.
And if you’re wondering if he had that fantasy before meeting her, the answer is probably not, but feel free to think differently if you disagree.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.