Find out everything you wish to know about me and this site. If you don’t want to read it all (even though you should), there’s a F.A.Q. section at the bottom.
Hello. I’m S.B., Simple Being, middle name Creative. I’m a writer and an artist with a penchant for themes of Female Dominance, Hypnosis, and Mind Control. This is my secret box of sensual bliss, my personal corner of the Internet to share my work with all of you and have some fun.
I’ve been a part of the fetish community for almost eighteen years now. It’s possible you’ve encountered some of my creations before in sites like the Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive or the Hypnopics-Collective just to name a few. In late 2016, I started toying with the idea of having a central hub for all of my scattered works out there, as well as for all things yet to come. Thus, Spell… B-O-U-N-D was born and, with a little bit of patience, work, and perseverance, has been evolving ever since.
In light of what I’ve written above, it should come as no surprise that the majority of the pieces you’ll find here deal with themes of female dominance and male submission, as that’s where my overall preferences lie. There are a few exceptions mostly when it comes to works I produced for others, but they’re pretty rare. If you don’t like reading about seductive women turning men into obedient puppets for their amusement and empowerment, this probably isn’t the site for you. However, if even just a tiny little bit of you finds such ideas tantalizing, to say the least, then I think you’re going to enjoy discovering the secrets within these pages.
I began writing as a hobby at the age of nine, give or take. I was first inspired by franchises such as Star Trek, Star Wars, and Alien. My early creations were cute little adventures featuring futuristic spaceships, lightsabers, corny dialogue and extraterrestrial dogs. The sci-fi love never left but then I moved on to other things. Some examples include western-themed stories and Film-Noir inspired snippets. One day, erotic mind-control became a thing.
As I was growing up, I always found myself drawn to images of seductive coercion. I’m talking about hypnotists and sorceresses bending minds with words and magic. There was something incredibly erotic about the idea of being taken over, losing control in one way or another. When I started reading stories of that kind on a regular basis, I felt compelled to write my own and, despite some breaks here and there, kept going since then with plenty of visible results to show.
My style of erotica is quite varied and I’ve experimented with many different things over the years. Although in general, I prefer lighter approaches to it all, I can go dark when My Muse wants me to, and who am I to say “no” to Her whims? A good idea should always be developed no matter what. In fiction, one is allowed to go beyond his limitations in various and intriguing ways. I’ve been discovering just that and simply having a blast with it all. I believe my passion shows in my works and I’m glad to share them this way. Glad and proud.
There’s a little bit of everything here, from the silly to the macabre, from mystery to romance, with plenty of strangeness in-between. In my world of Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control, my female mind-controllers can be sweet or downright nasty. When I’m not being entirely original with my creations, I twist every single bit of popular culture that comes my way. Movies, TV shows, music, and many other things serve as references for kinky parodies just for the fun of it. I love to laugh and believe I have a pretty good sense of humor albeit a bit strange on occasions. Intrigued? I certainly hope so.
Stories come in all sizes and shapes. Micro-fiction is something I’ve been playing around with a lot as of late with my fifty-five words yearly challenges, a project that started in 2016 and keeps on going. However, when the inspiration is right, there are really no boundaries, whether it’s one thousand words or thirty-thousand. I have a very powerful imagination and can make it come to life in pretty much any way conceivable. I just need to allow myself to feel the flow of ideas pouring in. Granted, that doesn’t always happen smoothly but we all have bad days and that’s fine as long as the bad never outweighs the good.
I believe in art for the sake of art and would love for the majority of my content to remain free. However, running a site such as this one has costs associated with it and I’m not going to deny that every little bit of help counts. As such, recently I’ve begun creating and selling e-books as well which you can discover, here. I also created a Patreon page which you can subscribe to if you wish to support my creations on a regular basis. I sincerely appreciate all the help I can get in keeping this dream alive and growing it to the fullest as time goes by.
Besides regular stories, I also like to indulge myself in photo-stories, combining the written word with the power of images. Some are mere captions although with a very particular style – my own – attached to them. Others involve a bit of manipping and retouching.
It should be stated that I’m also available for writing commissions. If you want a piece of writing or a photo-story suited to your fetish tastes, I’ll gladly help you. I also have web design skills which I’ve put to good use building this site. They can be yours for a price, too. Drop me a line, and we’ll see what can be done.
Okay, I think I’ve taken enough of your time already with all this info about me. Besides Simple Being, S.B. stands for a lot of different things and Sesquipedalian Blabbermouth is one of them. As such, I’m going to switch gears now and choose to go silent. Please, take a look around, explore, and enjoy yourself to the fullest. Join me on a wondrous journey to the fetish realms of Female Dominance, Hypnosis and Mind Control. I’m sure your imagination will soar as you fall deeply into a trance in 3, 2, 1…

No, I’m not. I just love them. A lot.
Hmmm… next question, please.
I’m not a hypnotist, so no.
I’m both. In fact, I would love to be able to do this exclusively for a living. At the moment, I still can’t though.
Yes. However, it will depend on my current availability. Contact me.
First and foremost, because I wanted a place to share my creativity with the world, especially the fetish community that has always welcomed me with open arms. Secondly, because I was hypnotized, brainwashed and programmed into doing it… perhaps. Believe what you want, and I’ll do the same.
Most of it is. I would love it for all to be free but, at the moment, it’s impossible, I’m afraid. Some of my content is only available via paid books and there’s Patreon exclusive stuff, too.
For as long as I can. The more support I get along the way, the more content I’ll produce, as simple as that.