Afraid of Scissors

For as long as he could remember, Xavier had been afraid of scissors. If asked why he couldn’t explain it and he preferred not to dwell on the subject, which was often easier said than done. The phobia caused him a lot of grievances growing up, but major problems arose whenever he needed a haircut. It was either a pair of clippers and a shaver or nothing, preferably in the sanctity of his own home, and the results, while not terrible, were not that great either. His friends often mocked him for his sense of style, but Kyle was an honorable exception.
“The top of your head has seen better days, my friend,” he declared one day over a peanut butter sandwich. “We need to get you sorted, a.s.a.p., and I know just the thing you need?”
“Please, not another barbette!” Xavier responded. “I don’t have the patience for your insane choices anymore.”
“There’s nothing insane about Julie, trust me. Once she starts working with you, you’ll want no one else, I promise.”
“That’s what you always say about any cute girl that catches your eye.”
“Wrong. That’s what I used to say, but now I’ve seen the truth. She’s the best and I would like to prove it. Let me set up an appointment for you and if you’re not happy with her work, I’ll…”
“You’ll what?”
“I’ll pay for your breakfast every day until the end of the year. Deal?”
“That’s a lot of money, dude. Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Absolutely. Now, give me a shake to seal the deal.”
Said and done. Kyle made the reservation in his name for the following Saturday and was all giddy after hanging up the phone as if he were a timid schoolboy experiencing his first crush. Xavier simply nodded, knowing deep in his heart his friend would regret his actions sooner than later. However, sometimes the heart is wrong.
Julie’s barbershop stood five blocks away from his home and was the cutest little corner he had ever seen. The sole proprietor of the establishment, she was a slender brunette of South Asian descent with the reputation of having the sultriest smile that ever graced that side of the Pacific and, for once, the rumors weren’t misplaced. Despite being dressed in black from head to toe, she irradiated light and unmistakable warmth as he entered her domains.
“Welcome, Xavier,” she said. “You’re exactly as Kyle described. Please take a seat and I’ll be right there with you.”
“Thanks,” he mumbled, hopping to the closest chair. The first thing he noticed was how comfortable it was compared to others he had tried in the past. It was like sitting on a cotton candy cloud. The air all around smelled of inviting exotic beaches where people could just lay down and relax until the full moon shone on the night sky. He drifted momentarily into one such fantasy as she disappeared from view and returned shortly after holding a pair of pointy scissors in each hand.
“Kyle told me everything about you,” she cooed.
“If he did, then you know I don’t do well with those. Can you put them away, please?”
“Oh, but these aren’t scissors…” she continued, gently waving the blades back and forth. He caught a reflection of the pendular movement in the mirror before him, a speck of sunlight bouncing off the tips before hitting her eyes, which also appeared to be glowing.
“They’re not?”
“No. They’re your gateway into calmness and relaxation. Your hair is quite messy, but so is your mind. You’re always having strange thoughts that come out of nowhere and you don’t know what to do with them. It’s such a waste to leave them there, untethered, unfocused, and unproductive… let me help you with that.
She continued waving the instruments above his head, the blades clicking and marching to the sound of a mesmerizing beat. She never touched a strand of his hair, but only fragments of his deliquescing mind, and for each one in which the reflection of the scissors shone, he grew increasingly more tired, a willing yawn escaping his lips.
“The reason people can’t stop recommending my services is because of how good I make them feel, and how safe they are when they lose themselves to my voice… You understand what I’m talking about, don’t you? All it takes is a moment to go deep and then you have all the time in the world to sink even further… Simply listen and let go. Let me show you the pleasure of being a client of mine.”
Xavier’s head bobbed, half-open mouth exhaling all the worries in the world. Despite having never been hypnotized before, he instinctively recognized the signs, and they were all pleasant and desirable. He could stay there with her all morning, and in fact, he did.
Ever since that first drop into her world, Xavier isn’t afraid of scissors anymore, but he does fear something else now. People call it free will.
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