Alien Routine
Day 61 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2023, Alien Routine is a sci-fi piece (kind of)

Alien Routine
The black van drove away from outside his apartment but all Benny saw was a UFO taking flight.
“Are you sure the old hypnotic alien routine will hold up.?” Nadine asked.
“Absolutely! He’ll never be able to identify us,” Gloria replied.
“Excellent. I can’t wait to fuck him again.”
“Me neither.”
Same time next month.
How this story came to be
As I’m sure you’ve already surmised, this piece was inspired by alien abductions. Do you know how in movies and TV shows, people often don’t remember those experiences and then undergo hypnosis to try to remember them? Well, since hypnosis can also be used to induce false memories, normal people can end up believing in abductions even though they were never real. One of my favorite episodes of The X-Files – Jose Chung’s From Outer Space – actually played with that concept in a hilarious way.
I was reminded of it for some reason and decided to play with the concept myself and this was the result.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.