An Accident
Hi… you’re awake! That’s good, but please don’t move and try not to speak more than you have to. There was a terrible accident and things are looking rather hectic. You’re lucky someone brought you here immediately. Do you remember your name?
You do? Wonderful. Let me put it on my chart… Just one more question before the doctors take over from here. Can you tell me the name of a next of kin, friend, or girlfriend to contact to let them know what happened and that you’re now in our care?
Oh? There’s no one? Are you sure? Okay, being alone sucks, it’s true, but I promise we’ll do everything we can to help you deal with this. You’ve lost a lot of blood, but it will be okay. You’re going to the ER right away and when you’re done, I’ll come to check on you again. See you soon.
“Madam President, It’s Erin. I’m calling to inform you I believe we’ve found the perfect replacement. Yes, Madam President, I’m looking at the vital signs right now and the patient is stable. No relatives, no nothing, a life so bland that’s easily forgettable… if we go through with the operation immediately, it’s unlikely we’ll ever face any repercussions. Yes, Madam President, I understand that unlikely doesn’t mean it’s 100% certain, but this is the best opportunity we’ve had in a long time. Are you really willing to lose millions waiting for approval that may never come? I urge you to do the right thing while you can, Madam President, otherwise you’ll be facing the same problems as your predecessor in no time. No, Madam President, of course, this is not a threat. I’m merely speaking from experience with the Board. They’ll want someone to blame if we don’t give them the results they’re after and you’re always going to be the first in line. It’s not a threat, but a statement of how things work in our line of business. Yes, Madam President, I’m convinced this is the way to go, so if I could have your approval… Fantastic! My team is ready and we’ll make you proud, trust me.”
“Hello again. You’ve been unconscious for pretty much all day, but I’m happy to report that everything went smoothly. The procedure was a success and you should be feeling the results soon. What? You’re saying you heard me have a strange conversation on the phone about you? You’re clearly confused, dear. It must result from the heavy sedation, but you’ll be thinking clearly soon. No, we didn’t rip open your chest to implant an alien creature inside, that’s absurd! I think you need to sleep for a while longer to clear your mind. Let me adjust this and…”
“Madam President? It’s Erin again. The transplant was a success, and the parasite is growing inside the patient now. As detailed in the files of Project Andromeda, once it reaches full maturation, it will take over the subject’s mind, effectively wiping out any chance of resistance and, as you already know, the programming possibilities are endless, including… Yes, Madam President, I’m sure we can arrange an ‘accident’ for any members of the Board that go against you. I’ll get on it right away.”
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