Around the World
Day 185 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2023, Around the World is a humorous piece about multiple (hypnotic) personalities.

Around the World
“Happy 4th of July, Greg!”
“I’m not American, Sally.”
“You are now,” she snapped her fingers.
“Dude, why do I feel like eating peanut butter?”
“On second thought, be Italian,” she snapped her fingers again.
“Mamma Mia, why are you cutting the spaghetti?”
“So much fun,” she thought. One hundred and ninety-three countries to go.
How this story came to be
It’s the 4th of July and I was going to write a piece about the date today which is why I started it this way but as I was about to type it, this silly idea came to me. Imagine if you could be entranced into becoming a completely different person depending on the country being mentioned? Would that be intriguing or terrifying? The sentences I’ve used to describe Greg’s first two ‘transformations’ may seem a bit stereotypical but the exaggeration is just for fun. As for what would happen with the other countries, I leave that up to you.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.