Adventure Time
Richard knelt, words stuck in a gasp.
“What do you want?”
“Your submission,” Valerie responded. “What do you want?”
“Your control. I want an adventure. I want to go to places I’ve never been.”
“Like this one?”
He looked down. They were floating simultaneously above the Earth’s atmosphere and below the threshold of consciousness.
Everyone needs a bit of it in their lives. I know I’m not as adventurous as I would like but the comfort zone is extremely cozy, and I’ve been inside it for so many years now. Still, I indulge in these random ideas, and I certainly do have fun with them, which is certainly better than nothing, isn’t it?
The slideshow was boring. Lots of pretty faces, clingy outfits, and shiny footwear, but nothing that really captured Derrick’s attention… until she came along.
Although he believed to have never seen it before, her picture was instantly recognized by his needy lips:
The image changed again, and so did his memory. The conditioning remained.
Unlike what’s suggested in the tale, the inspiration behind this one came from looking at an old (physical) photo album. I realized I didn’t remember the details behind some of the pictures and then this fetish variation came to mind.
Center of Attention
“You are getting sleepy…” Jane chuckled.
“Can’t be hypnotized, remember?” Bryan scoffed.
“Imagine you could, dear. Wouldn’t it be fun to freeze on command, for instance?”
“I suppo…”
The doorbell rang.
“Hold that thought. The guests are here.”
He held it firmly and the human coat hanger was the center of attention all night long.
This one is naughty. Objectification is yet another one of those kinks that isn’t exactly up my alley but once again I had to follow my inspiration to its rightful destination which turned out to be this piece.
Ablaze in Red, Awash in Blue
The air’s on fire, a slice of Hell on Earth.
A dry wind blows, scattering thoughts like ash.
Naked, he stands in the conflagration, but not for long.
For she is before him, in his thoughts and beyond, appeasing the flames with the truth:
“You will obey me.”
And his knees sink, awash in blue.
A strange, metaphorical proposal, born out of dreams, the heat wave that was affecting my country at the time causing forest fires galore and random thoughts about my Mistress. Quite the curious combination, isn’t it?