August 2017

Hypnotic Writing


“Interesting…” Tracy remarked.
“What are you doing?” He asked, visibly distressed.
“Checking your browser history, obviously. Porn… Femdom Hypnosis… Porn… Femdom Hypnosis… Porn… Femdom Hypnosis…”
As she continued rambling, her voice slowed to a crawl whilst his erection raced to the finish line.
“Ready to be trained?”
He moaned and knelt, eager for the taking.

Not sure anyone noticed but, yesterday, for a few hours at least, I got the number of days I’ve been running this challenge wrong.

Yes, I found myself repeating day 223 instead of going for 224 as if I was stuck in a time loop or something. Had I continued, I probably would have convinced myself of just that because repetition is, as you know, one of the bases of successful conditioning. The mind is trained by it. The fact that I manage to remain consistent in writing these every single day is partly due to the repetition factor.

So what does this have to do with today’s entry? Well, not much really, except for the fact that a form of conditioning is present in it. The idea came to me as I was doing a clean-up on my computer earlier today, and I ran with it when I finally found the time to sit down and write. This is a classic like piece devoid of flair or gimmicks. Going back to the basics is also a way to branch out in future endeavors so…


“This looks different…”
“Yeah, I made some modifications. Figured it was time to try something new. What do you think?”
“I think you’re a very good subject.”
“Hey, I did this on my own!”
“Of course you did, my dear. By the way, do you always work naked at your desk?”
“I’m not nake… oops!”

Notice anything different? Yeah, I switched themes, made some adjustments to the overall structure of the site, and I intend to continue doing so as time permits. Today’s piece honors these tinkerings with yet another bit of self-referential humor even though this is just fiction. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get dres… damn it!


Matthew’s eyes were glued to the TV.
“This has to be a publicity stunt, right?”
“It looks pretty legit to me,” Ben remarked.
“One thousand men hypnotized and enslaved by a beautiful woman in the middle of Central Park looks legit?”
“Definitely, but why are you so bothered?”
“My flight to the U.S. got canceled…”

Another bit of humor joins the fray.

The genesis of this piece was some sort of rally that was happening today in my city. I caught a glimpse of it from afar as I was riding a bus. Not familiar with the details so I can’t share them with you but there was a large crowd assembled. Most of it comprised of representatives of the masculine gender and there was a woman up on a stage. The rest, as they say, is a short story by yours truly that turns everything upside down.


“Your stats are booming,” Gina commented. “Look at the way they go up…”
“… and how quickly they go back down,” Craig shrugged.
“So? You and I both know you love going down,” she whispered.
Down, under, body and mind tied by her voice. The graphic gently faded before his eyes as honey filled his lips.

Let me start today’s intro by thanking one more time to everyone that drops by to read my ramblings. Even though the primary desire behind all creations of mine is to simply satisfy my visceral need to be creative, it’s always gratifying to have others enjoy my ideas, no matter how silly they turn out to be.

Today’s piece is inspired by WordPress itself and the fact that many of you out there seemed to react quite positively to the graphic overhaul recently unveiled. I’m sure that the novelty factor of the makeover contributed a lot to it, but yesterday was the day more people dropped by this place ever since I opened it to the public. As a result, I got this lovely automated notification saying “my stats were booming” and whatnot and what was the first thing I did upon reading that? If you guessed “you came up with an idea for a piece of micro-fiction”, you’re right on the money.

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