Back From the Dead
Day 53 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2023, Back From the Dead is a piece about hypnotic revenge.

Back From the Dead
Allison answered the phone and froze upon hearing Janice’s voice.
“Hello, pet.”
“No. NO! You’re dead.”
“Sorry, but no. You were never a good shot. Did you miss me?”
“What do you want?”
“My slave back. I wonder if your old triggers still work…”
When Allison started moaning on the floor, she got her answer.
How this story came to be
In the mood for something with a slightly darker vibe (but not that much!). I sketched a few different concepts throughout the day and then settled upon this one. Some triggers never die.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.