Black Cats
Day 277 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2024, Black Cats is a supernatural piece about a vengeful witch.
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Black Cats
Walter counted the black cats on Lucy’s porch… One, two… three… thirteen, all staring at him with golden eyes.
“Collecting strays, are you?” he asked his neighbor with a frown.
“Nope,” she smirked. “Only bad lovers and people who think they’re funny. Run along or else…”
There are fourteen cats now. Walter is still missing.
How this story came to be
A friend of mine just recently published his first novel. It’s called Superstition (The Secrets of Van Buren University Book 1), and the cover features a black cat. I was looking at it just now and decided to advertise it to my readers, using a piece about black cats as an excuse to do. You can buy it in e-book, paperback, and hardcover formats on Amazon. Cover below if you are interested.

My piece has got nothing to do with the book, but every opportunity is good to promote a friend’s work. Go check it out, will you? Thanks.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.