Coin Toss
Day 59 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2024, Coin Toss is a piece about perception and a simple game of chance.

Coin Toss
“Again?” Jack asked.
“You don’t want to?” Maude cocked her head.
“Let’s do a coin toss then. Heads, I hypnotize you; Tails, I leave you be. Deal?”
“Hmmm… fine!”
Jack watched the silver piece fly and land on her hand. Heads it was, and he was fucked.
The problem is, there was no coin.
How this story came to be
Have you ever decided something by throwing a coin in the air? I can’t say for sure if I have or not. Maybe when I was younger, but certainly nothing important because I don’t particularly like to leave things to chance. Of course, in this case the game was rigged from the start because he was already hypnotized, so…
Hypnotic women always win. What she did wasn’t cheating, but simply taking advantage of her skills. Remember that.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.