A Comment/Review on Jukebox’s “Your Horoscope for Today”

Do you believe in horoscopes, astrology, and the like? I don’t. I don’t believe one’s fate is written in the stars, but I enjoy reading them for curiosity’s sake. Sometimes, they get things right but, of course, it’s all a coincidence. It’s not a coincidence I enjoyed Jukebox’s latest addiction to the EMCSA though.

Your Horoscope for Today is a clever piece of writing based on – obviously – the horoscope. It’s also a series of inductions in disguise. Now, I mentioned before that I’m not very fond of things like that and that hasn’t changed but I thought the setup was intriguing enough and I felt inclined to continue reading to see if there were any evident connections between the predictions for each sign and indeed they are. Some of them are quite clever and subtle but they’re also easy to miss if you’re not paying enough attention. That happened to me once or twice as I was going through it because the language is woven in such a way that one’s brain begins to disconnect even if unwillingly. You can only read so many instances of drifting and let go before you begin to lose focus.

The part of the story that dealt with my sign – I’m a Gemini! – naturally caught my eye the most but no, Jukebox, I’m not enrolling in a cooking class this week, okay? Anyway, this was an unconventional piece of storytelling and by now you all know I love unconventional ideas as evidenced by some of the things I write as well. Look no further than the recent additions to my short stories repertoire for instance to see exactly what I’m talking about. If unconventional is your thing as well, then Jukebox’s piece is definitely worth your time. Thank you for reading.

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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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