
Day 7 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2025, Conspiring, is a piece about disappointing times.


Nathan sighed heavily in the bedroom.
“What’s wrong?” Amy asked.
“Have you ever tried to get something going and feel like the universe is conspiring against you?”
“Sometimes. What do you want?”
“To go under for you.”
“Then why didn’t you ask?”
Her pendant flashed before his eyes and he sank, the universe be damned!

How this story came to be

I still have a dream for this year, one that’s in testing mode right now, but that I still want to do. I’m talking about the One Year of Flash Fiction challenge. I’ve been preparing it for three months now, arranged my schedule in a way that allow me to make it happen without hitches, but I can’t do it alone and things are looking rough after the first seven days of the year.

I tried to do something like this on my own a few times in the past, but the motivation disappeared almost immediately. I’ve already surpassed my last attempt, but this is something I wanted to do as a community and for the community, and if I’m unable to do so, it will probably impact my mood for a while.

Anything, I improvised this one just now, thinking about disappointing times. I hope all you dreams for the New Year come true.

I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.

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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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