CYOA Wednesday 2024 – Week 27 [A Night to Remember to Forget – 1]

We begin a new CYOA tale today. Synopsis below:

Brandon’s friends surprise him by inviting/hiring a hypnodomme to come to his birthday party. What fun happenings will ensue?

Read the opening below:

The pool cue sliced through the air with precision as Travis lined up his shot, the smooth ivory cue ball gliding across the felt surface of the table. Brandon watched from the other side, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to anticipate Travis’s next move. Was he going to try the corner shot?

“Eight ball, corner pocket,” Travis declared, answering Brandon’s query right away. The solid eight ball spun before his eyes before disappearing from view. His friend was ahead. Again.

Brandon grinned, shaking his head in mock exasperation. “How do you always pull off those shots when it counts?” he asked.

“Because I’m a better player than you?” Travis circled the table to pat his back. “You didn’t expect me to let you win just because you’re turning thirty, right?”

“No, but I wouldn’t mind…”


Yes, he was. Brandon hated losing but would never accept being handed a victory on a silver platter, either. Everything he had accomplished over the years was because of hard work and perseverance and he wouldn’t trade any of it for a fleeting moment of glory on his birthday. “Well played, Trav,” he conceded as he reached for his beer. The pink and blue neon glow from the “Games Room” sign above cast a flickering light on his determined face, highlighting the familiar dimple on his left cheek.


Smirking, Travis leaned against the table, his muscular frame relaxed yet exuding a quiet confidence that never left anyone indifferent. He was tall, standing at six feet three, and had hazel eyes and short, sandy blond hair. Brandon was almost the exact opposite of him, with his compact build and dark, unruly curls that seemed to have a mind of their own. But what he lacked in height, Brandon made up for in charisma and the intensity in his deep blue eyes, as if a storm raged within him, hidden beneath a calm and meticulous exterior.

They weren’t the only ones in Brandon’s basement that Wednesday evening. His other friends, Ava and Peter, were nestled in the corner of the room, engrossed in a heated debate over the latest conspiracy theory podcast she had listened to earlier that day. Ava, with her fiery red hair and bright green eyes, was known for her passionate nature and unwavering belief in the supernatural. She gestured wildly as she recounted the details of the podcast, her voice rising and falling with each new revelation.

Peter, on the other hand, sat back in his chair with a skeptical expression, his dark, disheveled hair falling into his piercing gray eyes as he listened to Ava’s theories. Despite his initial doubts, there was a spark of curiosity in his gaze that hinted at a deeper fascination with the unknown. His calm demeanor and quick wit often balanced out Ava’s exuberance, creating a dynamic duo that never failed to entertain their friends. Only Joan was missing.

“Where is she, anyway?” Brandon asked as Travis began setting up the table for another game.

“Stuck in traffic,” Ava replied, perking up her ears. “The last meeting dragged on, and now she’s running late. She asked me to tell you she’ll try to get here as quickly as possible but hopes you’ll enjoy your special gift in the meantime.”

Silence filled the room as she uttered those words and Peter almost buried his head between his shoulders. “Oh, why did you say that?” he facepalmed.

“What special gift? What are you talking about?” Brandon asked.

“Oops… Did I say that out loud?” Ava excused herself with a smile full of teeth. “It’s nothing! Forget I said anything, okay?”

“Ava…” Brandon walked away from the pool table and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Tell me what you meant by that, please.”

Ava tried to avoid Brandon’s piercing gaze, her eyes darting around the room as she searched for a distraction. She noticed a cobweb in the corner of the ceiling and pointed at it, “Oh look, a spider! Isn’t it fascinating how they spin their webs with such precision? I could stare at them for hours and never grow bored.”

Peter and Travis exchanged amused glances, recognizing Ava’s tactics to divert attention from Brandon’s question, but he wasn’t going to let her slip-up slide. The birthday boy crossed his arms over his chest, a playful glint in his eyes as he waited to see what she would try next.

Still standing by the pool table, Travis cleared his throat and looked at his wristwatch. “Go on, Ava,” he said, “you might as well spill the beans now because he won’t let this go until you do.”

“Right… Hmm, we… We may have invited someone else to join us tonight,” Ava mumbled, interlocking her fingers.

“We? As in, all of you?” Brandon asked.

“It was Joan’s idea but we all agreed to it, so yes,” Peter combed his hair with his right hand. “She should be here any moment now.”

“Who? Who did you invite and why did you do that? This has always been our night, guys. You know that!”

The tradition had been in effect for eight years now. Ever since Brandon’s family had moved back to England, he always spent his anniversary with his friends. Games, friendly chit-chat, a movie, and an endless supply of booze made each a night a memorable one… unless they were all too plastered to remember.

“We wanted to do something different this year and when the opportunity presented itself…” Ava continued. “You’ll love her, we’re sure of it!”

“You still haven’t answered my question,” Brandon tapped his foot. “Who is she?”

“She goes by the name of Mistress Susan and she’s a hypnodomme,” Travis replied.

“A hypnodomme…” Brandon repeated, his voice trailing off in disbelief. The air in the room thickened as his friends exchanged nervous glances, unsure of how Brandon would react to this unexpected revelation. The name ‘Mistress Susan’ hung over them like an ominous cloud, and rain was imminent. “You’re pulling my leg, right? This is a joke!”

“No, it’s not,” Travis finished setting the table. “She’s a wonderful person and full of surprises. You’ll see we’re right when she gets here.”

As the tension lingered in the air, the sound of the doorbell shattered the moment like it was made of glass. Travis glanced at Brandon and said, “That must be her!”, before climbing up the stairs towards the living room.

As the four friends left the basement and made their way to the front door, they were all in different states of mind. Travis was excited like a rambunctious teenager. Peter adjusted his shirt collar, trying to appear nonchalant despite the unease gnawing at him. Ava chewed on her lower lip as she looked at Brandon who was still processing the unexpected revelation. Without saying a word but with his mind in clear turmoil, he opened the door and saw…


To choose what the hypnodomme looks like, head over to my Patreon (you can join for free), and vote on the poll there until next Sunday. 

If you’re new to these CYOA stories, here are the basic rules:

1) You can only choose one option;

2) If there’s a tie at the end of the poll, and the competing options can be combined somehow, I’ll do that. If not, I get the deciding vote to keep the tale going.

3) The process continues every Wednesday until the story runs its natural course.


Have fun.

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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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