CYOA Wednesday 2024 – Week 30 [A Night to Remember to Forget – 4]

We continue this CYOA tale today. Synopsis below:

Brandon’s friends surprise him by inviting/hiring a hypnodomme to come to his birthday party. What fun happenings will ensue?

The winning option of the third poll with 41% of the votes was

She tells her to fetch her a drink and then return to her as if she’s waitress at a restaurant;

Read the fourth segment below:

“Listen to my voice, Ava,” Mistress Susan said. “You are no longer at Brandon’s house. Brandon’s house is no more. Instead, you find yourself in a luxurious restaurant and you’re working as a waitress there. To serve others is a wonderful feeling for someone as obedient as you. See this beautiful place in your mind’s eye and the uniform you wear. You love working here because it gives you the opportunity to be at my service. See it now, Ava. Obey. You must obey me.”

“Yes, Mistress,” the entranced woman repeated, her imagination already working to create the fantastic scenario Mistress Susan had just planted in her mind.

Ava saw herself standing behind a sleek marble countertop, her crisp white apron tied around her waist, her hair perfectly styled and pinned back. The dimmed lights flickered, reflecting off the shiny cutlery and crystalline wine glasses. Each table was adorned with hand-painted china and colorful flower arrangements that spilled over the sides of their vases. She was so absorbed in this vision that she failed to notice Brandon’s increasing concern and unease.

In this luxurious dining establishment, the guests were all dressed like elegant movie stars, chattering in hushed tones and sipping on champagne. The aroma of exotic dishes wafted from the kitchen, filling her nostrils with a tantalizing array of flavors. She could see herself delivering drinks to the patrons, her hands balancing the delicate earthenware with the practiced ease of an experienced waitress, and she loved it. It was perfect.

“Are you there now, Ava?” Mistress Susan asked.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Good girl. Show me then. Walk around and show everyone just how good you are at this. Obey.” The hypnodomme snapped her fingers.

As Ava’s blank eyes scanned the room, she began to walk around the furniture, immersed in the hypnotic fantasy created for her. Peter and Travis couldn’t help but stare in awe as their friend transitioned into this new role. Brandon, on the other hand, was both fascinated and frightened by the turn of events.

The young woman’s movements were so fluid that it was as if she had been doing this all her life. The imaginary patrons smiled at her, happy with her performance, and she was awash in bliss and pride.

“Look at you!” Mistress Susan clapped and smiled. “You’re a natural. Ava, be a dear and fetch me a drink. You are to prepare me a cocktail you like and bring it to me. As you’re doing so, I want you to sink even deeper into trance. Pour your mind and all your resistance into the glass. You believe only me and you obey only me. Good girls do everything their Mistress tells them. Get to work.”

Mistress Susan snapped her fingers again and Ava sauntered to the kitchen, followed by her friends. Ava had worked as a bartendress for a little over a year to help pay for college, so she knew what she was doing. The hypnotized woman opened the refrigerator door, her attention focused only on the task at hand. She reached inside and pulled out various ingredients, without hesitation. She took out a container of ice and poured it into a shaker, watching the cubes clink together.

Reaching for a bottle of vodka, she uncorked it with a practiced hand and poured a generous amount into the shaker. Next, she added some triple sec and a splash of cranberry juice, swirling the concoction to mix.

She grabbed a lemon and cut a slice from it, the citrus scent filling the air. She twisted the juicy slice over the shaker, and then dropped it in, followed by a sprig of fresh mint. Using a muddler, she pressed down on the lemon and mint, releasing their fragrant oils.

Ava then strained the mixture into a chilled martini glass and returned to Mistress Susan who looked impressed by her efforts. The hypnodomme took the glass from her hand sipped it gusto, her eyes closed in sheer contentment.

“Excellent, Ava,” she purred, her voice dripping with approval. “You’ve outdone yourself with this concoction. It’s perfect. You should be proud.”

“I am, Mistress, thank you,” Ava beamed with pride at her creation. Her eyes shone with the radiance of someone who had accomplished something extraordinary. The satisfaction of pleasing her Mistress was all she could hope for and more.

“Now, my dear, see your friends again. They’ve come to the restaurant because they want to know what the fuss is all about. Before anything else, they want a drink, too. Go to them and take their orders. You will do whatever they ask you to do. Obey me, Ava.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

The young woman clicked her heels and walked towards the three men who were standing by the kitchen entrance. Brandon was the first to speak, saying,

“Ava, listen. You don’t have to do this, okay?”

“Mistress Susan has spoken. I obey Mistress Susan,” Ava said. “Good evening, gentlemen. What can I get you?”

Peter laughed and said, “I’ll have a whiskey neat, please.”

Travis chimed in, “And I’ll have a glass of the finest, rarest wine you can find.”

Brandon hesitated for a moment, conflicted between his friends’ requests and his concern for Ava’s well-being. He finally spoke up, “I’ll have what she’s having.” Ava nodded in understanding and moved to prepare their drinks. Brandon watched her work before a few seconds before joining Mistress Susan on the sofa.

“This is so bizarre,” he said. “Is she okay?”

“Of course, she is,” the hypnodomme replied. “I’d never do anything to harm her. She’s just living a vivid dream and having fun with it. Of course, the main reason she’s so immersed in this fantasy is because I had already hypnotized her before. Triggers and suggestions are often cumulative. The more you go under the easier it is to deeper and deeper.”

“And you can wake her up at any time?”

“Yes. No one ever gets stuck in trance if that’s what you’re worried about. Even if I don’t snap her out of it, her mind will do it for me. Like I said, it’s but a dream and we always wake up from dreams, don’t we?”

“I suppose…” Brandon nodded. “I think I’ve seen enough for now. Please wake her up.”

“Let her finish the drinks first, okay? Loosen up, Brandon. It’s all fun and games.”


His birthday was getting weirder by the minute but he didn’t have the courage to send her away. Brandon furrowed his brow and waited for the mesmerized waitress to serve him the drink. He was going to need it.

To choose who steps forward, head over to my Patreon (you can join for free), and vote on the poll there until next Sunday. 

If you’re new to these CYOA stories, here are the basic rules:

1) You can only choose one option;

2) If there’s a tie at the end of the poll, and the competing options can be combined somehow, I’ll do that. If not, I get the deciding vote to keep the tale going.

3) The process continues every Wednesday until the story runs its natural course.


Have fun.

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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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