CYOA Wednesday 2024 – Week 33 [A Night to Remember to Forget – 7]

We continue this CYOA tale today. Synopsis below:

Brandon’s friends surprise him by inviting/hiring a hypnodomme to come to his birthday party. What fun happenings will ensue?

The winning option of the sixth poll with 53% of the votes was

Mistress Susan commands Brandon to tell her all his secret fantasies;

Read the seventh segment below:

“Aww, he looks like a baby sleeping…” Ava said.

“He sure does. This is where the fun begins, isn’t it, Mistress?” Travis rubbed his hands.

“The fun began the moment I got here,” the hypnodomme replied. “Now, please be quiet. We don’t want to distract him.”


Brandon’s body splayed out on the couch, his arms draped over the armrest, his chest rising and falling with the rhythm of his trance-like breathing. His eyes were closed, and his face was a perfect canvas of serenity, the perfect backdrop for the sensual images that were now taking shape inside his mind.

As Mistress Susan had guided him to do, his thoughts had dissipated like morning mist, leaving behind nothing but the sound of her voice. In his mind, he saw her breasts as the most exquisite and tantalizing pair of orbs he had ever laid his eyes upon. They shimmered like pearls, precious and enchanting. Brandon’s eyes flickered open for a moment, a faint smile dancing on his lips. The room was blurry as if he was seeing things through a thick, syrupy fog.

“So relaxed and focused only on my voice and my boobs…” the hypnotist purred. “Brandon, I’m going to ask you a couple of questions and I want you to give me honest answers. Don’t try to shy away or hide the truth from me. You’re safe under my control and that means there’s no need to keep secrets. You don’t want to do that, do you?”

“No, Mistress Susan,” he mumbled.

“Very good. However, if at any point you start getting uncomfortable, remember that you’re free to wake up and find your way back to consciousness again, do you understand?”

“I do, Mistress Susan.”

“Excellent. First question, Brandon: how are you feeling right now?”

“Like I’m floating in a cloud… It’s a strange sensation but also a good one.”

“Yes, I’m sure it is. Focus on it for a moment, that pleasurable weightlessness throughout your body. It’s spreading across your arms and hands, your legs and feet. Everything is fluffy and sweet and the sun is kissing your face. How wonderful is it, dear?”

“It’s perfect,” he replied, his mouth agape.

“Everything is perfect when you’re with me. Being hypnotized gives you life and makes you happier than ever before. I want you to be happy, Brandon, sinking and falling, and doing everything I want. Do you want to go even deeper for me now?”

“I’d like that very much.”

Mistress Susan’s eyes twinkled with excitement as she took in Brandon’s words. She leaned in close to whisper in his ear, her breasts brushing against his face.

“Since it seems like you’re floating, I want you to imagine a tunnel made of multicolored clouds, like a giant spiral before your eyes. It’s just the two of us, floating through it together. Sink deeper and deeper, becoming more receptive and obedient with every passing moment. There’s nothing you want more than to answer my questions and follow my every command to the letter.”

Brandon nodded in silence, his mind swirling in bliss with images of the fiery mistress, the inviting warmth of her touch, and the mesmerizing allure of her boobs. Mistress Susan caressed his chin and said,

“I saw the way you looked at Ava earlier, dear. Tell me, why are you so protective of her?”

“She’s one of my closest friends and I love her. I didn’t want her to get hurt, and I still don’t.”

“Were you afraid I was going to hurt her when I hypnotized her?”

“Part of me believed like that, yes,” he replied, his voice trailing off.

“But you’ve changed your mind since then, haven’t you? You’re no longer afraid for her nor do you think this is unsafe. You love to be hypnotized and doing as I say. Every question you answer makes you even more calm and relaxed. Is there anything else you’d rather be doing right now other than being under my mesmerizing control?”

“I can’t think of anything else…”

“As you should, Brandon. Not thinking is good. Obedience is good. Submitting is good,” the Domme continued to caress his chin. “I’ve freed you from all other desires and needs. You’re content and still and that’s why you’re now ready to answer me this: what are your greatest fantasies? What are the things you would love to do if you had the chance? You can tell me anything. Nothing is too silly or too spicy, but we all love a little spice. Tell me everything.”

“Do you think he’s going to do it?” Peter asked.

“Dude, he’s putty in her hands. Of course, he will! He doesn’t have a choice,” Ava replied.

Brandon hesitated for a moment, the inner workings of his brain racing with excitement and curiosity. Seeing nothing but spiraling clouds pulling him deeper into trance, he delved into his deepest desires, envisioning them as vividly as he could. He began with the most innocent of fantasies, which he had always kept hidden from the world.

“I’ve always wanted to ride the scariest rollercoaster in the world,” he said. “To feel the wind in my hair as I soar through the air, screaming with delight, the world below me blurring into a distant memory.”

“Hmm, what a wonderful fantasy, dear. What else?” Mistress Susan insisted.

“Get to the juicy bits, man!” Travis chuckled.

Mistress Susan looked at him like an angry teacher about to berate a troubling student and said, “Didn’t I tell you to keep quiet? You risk ruining the moment. Is that what you want?”

“Yeah, cut it out!” Ava slapped Travis on the arm. “This is his moment to shine, not yours.”

“Brandon, please ignore him,” Mistress Susan said. “There’s only me, only my voice, and this sensual whirlwind in which we’re falling, falling, falling… You were about to open your mind to me, tell me everything that makes you tick. Do it now. Feed me your dreams, the wettest fantasies that cross your mind. There are no taboos here, and no one will judge you for anything you say. Tell me, Brandon. Obey my voice.”

The hypnotized subject rested his head on her bosom, took a deep breath, and said…

To decide what he will say to her, head over to my Patreon (you can join for free), and vote on the poll there until next Sunday. 

If you’re new to these CYOA stories, here are the basic rules:

1) You can only choose one option;

2) If there’s a tie at the end of the poll, and the competing options can be combined somehow, I’ll do that. If not, I get the deciding vote to keep the tale going.

3) The process continues every Wednesday until the story runs its natural course.


Have fun.

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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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