CYOA Wednesday 2024 – Week 35 [A Night to Remember to Forget – 9]

We continue this CYOA tale today. Synopsis below:

Brandon’s friends surprise him by inviting/hiring a hypnodomme to come to his birthday party. What fun happenings will ensue?

The winning option of the eighth poll with 76% of the votes was

Mistress Susan hypnotizes Travis and Peter while they’re moving the furniture around;

Read the ninth segment below:

While Ava searched the house, looking for some candles, Brandon remained kneeling on the floor in utter hypnotic ecstasy. The feeling was even better than he thought possible and a part of him wondered just how crazier things were going to get. One thing was for certain: this unexpected birthday present was already an unforgettable one.

As for Travis and Peter, they were happy to be put to use, but it was impossible to disguise the disappointment of not having been put under yet. When were they going to get their chance? Mistress Susan had said soon but how soon was that?

The hypnodomme watched them move the furniture around with a small smile on her lips. Their faces muddy with sweat, the two men, followed her instructions to the letter, stacking the chairs together to create a makeshift dungeon bench. The sofa was pushed to the side and left leaning against the farthest wall. A couple more chairs were used to create a small enclosure for Brandon to crawl inside. It was far from a perfect setup but all she wanted was a semblance of reality she could color with her suggestions and triggers. By giving him something tangible to play, she could stimulate his imagination even further, therefore creating the perfect hypnotic fantasy. When they were done, Travis and Peter looked at her, hoping for an approving nod, but got the opposite.

“Hmm, sorry, but this won’t do,” she frowned. “Please move those chairs to the right and let’s start over.”

The two friends shrugged but did as she asked. It was always the right thing to do and they couldn’t get enough of following her lead. Their muscles ached but not their spirits, eager to prove themselves worthy of her attention and inescapable entrancing charms.

Sensing their resolve, Mistress Susan reached for the pendant around her neck and wrapped it around her fingers. She lowered her right hand to her hip and swung the pendant from left to right. The motion was almost imperceptible and yet it immediately drew two pairs of eager eyes who just wanted their happy ending more than anything.

“Don’t get distracted, boys. The last thing you want to do is to focus on me and not the work you’re doing. Keep at it.”

Travis and Peter agreed, yet stole another glance at the piece of jewelry. It had a faint glow as it reflected the light above and the contour of her boots.

“What did I say?” she teased. “Don’t look at it. Whatever you do, don’t follow the pendant’s movements, and don’t listen to my voice. It’s not important right now, only doing what I asked you to.

As they turned their focus back to rearranging the furniture, Mistress Susan continued to swing the pendant back and forth, her eyes locked on the two men’s faces. She could see the hunger and eagerness in their eyes, the undeniable desire to be under her command. The more they struggled with their own needs and fantasies the more she urged them not to listen to them, which only heightened their desires. As simple as it was, reverse psychology was a powerful, mesmerizing weapon and so was denial and frustration.

It wasn’t long before they had rearranged things once again. More chairs had been used to create Brandon’s future cage and the sofa was now on the other side, creating a large clearing in the room. Mistress Susan inspected their work, still swinging the pendant, but when it seemed they had made her happy, she shattered their hopes yet again.

“Oh, you two…” she purred. “This is not what I asked at all but this is all on you. You were busy looking at my pendant just like you’re doing now even though I told you not to, and so you got carried away. You’ll need to sort this mess and I hope you do it right this time.”

“But Mistress…” Travis bit his lip. “We didn’t…”

“Didn’t what? Allow your thoughts to wander and your mind to sink? That’s all you’ve been doing since you’ve started, getting tired and sleepy, your eyes drawn to the crystal because you don’t have a choice. Resistance only works if you want to resist and so you fall, fall, fall… your arms are heavy and so are your knees, imagining the pendant taking away your thoughts. Every swing strengthens the craving, the mesmeric addiction that’s been inside you all this time. You can never stop falling for me.”

Travis and Peter looked at each other, seeing their drooping expressions mirrored back at them. Their weaknesses had been unearthed and the only path forward led to the abyss of trance.

“You follow the pendant to follow me, always going down, deeper. It’s Brandon’s party but your time to celebrate is here. Lower your gaze, loosen your mind, and sink with a smile in 3, 2, 1…”

Ava entered the living room with a box of cinnamon-scented candles in one hand, just in time to see the two men close their eyes shut. They stood before the Domme, spiraling down in their minds. Ava cleared her throat and chuckled. All her boys were in trance now.

“Oh, this is fun!” she exclaimed.

“It sure is,” Mistress Susan glanced back at her. “Did you find what I asked you to?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Ava presented the box to her. “I hope these will do.”

“They’re perfect,” the hypnodomme replied. “All the pieces are in motion now.”

“Was hypnotizing them always part of the plan?”

“Of course. What’s better than two Dommes and a servant, Ava? Two Dommes and three servants, of course. That’s why I needed the room cleared.”

“Ah, I should have seen it coming! You’re incorrigible, Mistress Susan.”

“I’m what everyone needs me to be and I’m feeling kinky. Help me with the candles so we can have some fun.”

Mistress Susan and Ava placed the candles around the open area in the living room and then dimmed the lights so that their warm glow bathed everything.

“Are you ready to play your role, my dear?” the hypnotist asked.

“Yeah, I think so…”

“Then stand behind Travis and Peter until I tell you to join me. I just need to do one last thing to Brandon’s mind…”

To decide what happens next, head over to my Patreon (you can join for free), and vote on the poll there until next Sunday. 

If you’re new to these CYOA stories, here are the basic rules:

1) You can only choose one option;

2) If there’s a tie at the end of the poll, and the competing options can be combined somehow, I’ll do that. If not, I get the deciding vote to keep the tale going.

3) The process continues every Wednesday until the story runs its natural course.


Have fun.

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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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