CYOA Wednesday 2024 – Week 36 [A Night to Remember to Forget – 10]

We continue this CYOA tale today. Synopsis below:

Brandon’s friends surprise him by inviting/hiring a hypnodomme to come to his birthday party. What fun happenings will ensue?

The winning option of the ninth poll with 55% of the votes was

They’re interrupted by Joan’s arrival who joins the party;

Read the tenth segment below:

Mistress Susan spent the next five minutes reinforcing Brandon’s mind with a safety net against any unwanted suggestions. As suggestible as he had already proven to be, there was a chance that the more intense conditioning could prove too much for his brain, and no one wanted to ruin his birthday party, especially her. Fantasies gone haywire weren’t fun for anyone. With her siren-like voice, she soothed him into perfect stillness and contentment, ready for everything that was to come. When she was pleased with his response, she rubbed her hands and smiled. All the pieces were set. Now, the game could begin.

“Okay, Ava, it’s time,” she declared, taking her position on the mental board she had created. “We start in 3, 2, 1…”

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. The hypnotized men heard it, but didn’t react to the sound, their minds firmly under Mistress Susan’s hypnotic control. The hypnodomme shook her head, not happy with the unexpected interruption but then her eyes gleamed with mischief as she stared at Ava and asked,

“Do you think it’s Joan? You said she was running a little late, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I did. It could very well be. I’ll go check it out.”

“Please do, and if it’s someone else, send them away quietly. We still have a lot of things to do.”

“Yes, Mistress Susan.”

Ava walked to the front door and swung it open, revealing a lonely figure enveloped in shadows. As she squinted to see clearly, a broad smile spread across her face. It was indeed Joan, who stood there with an apologetic expression after battling traffic and coming out victorious.

“Hey girl,” Joan said, moving in for a hug. “I’m terribly sorry it took me so long to get here. What did I miss?”

“Only the first act,” Ava replied, using her favorite movie reference. She returned her friend’s embrace and purred, “We were about to get to the really fun stuff.”

“Oh? Tell me more.”

“Come on in then. Mistress Susan is waiting.”

Joan was in her early thirties, and was a vision of natural elegance, with cascading chestnut curls framing her heart-shaped face. She had hazel eyes, a petite nose, and dimples appeared on her cheeks when she smiled and grinned. She wore a flowing emerald green dress that fluttered around her like leaves in a gentle breeze. The dress hugged her slender frame before billowing out into a full skirt that swirled around her ankles. Her outfit was completed by a pair of black of black stiletto heels that elongated her legs, making her seem taller than she was.

She worked as a creative director at a prestigious advertising agency and was known for her keen eye for design and novel approaches. Her days were filled with brainstorming sessions, client meetings, and overseeing a team of talented artists and copywriters. Despite the demanding nature of her job, Joan always exuded an air of calm and confidence, inspiring those around her to push their limits and reach new heights of creativity.

However, it hadn’t always been like this. A while back, she found herself in a bit of a slump, struggling with ill-timed ideas and restless nights. It was only after she met Mistress Susan that she discovered her true potential and leadership skills and a plethora of healthy kinks to make her life even more exciting. Their shared history was full of delicious moments of self-realization and mind-shattering fantasies that would make many people blush, and she cherished every single one of them.

Joan was bisexual but she preferred the company of girls to boys every day of the week. While she had never felt physically attracted to Ava, the same couldn’t be said about Mistress Susan. There was a magnetism that bound them, and it was stronger than any hypnotic suggestion. She had no expectations though: the hypnodomme was a wild soul that favored the connections of the mind over physical delights. Their journey would always free of any romantic implications, but no one could stop her from dreaming.

Ava locked the door and led Joan to the living room, now transformed into something unrecognizable. Mistress Susan opened her arms to welcome her, her eyes glinting.

“Joan, darling, you’ve arrived just in time for our little adventure. Come!” the hypnotist exclaimed, gesturing for her to join the group.

The newcomer’s curiosity piqued as she moved forward, taking in the scene before her. The hypnotized men stood statuesque, their expressions vacant yet expectant. Ava took her place next to the Mistress, a look of anticipation on her face.

“It’s always a pleasure to see you, Mistress Susan. I apologize for my tardiness,” Joan began, a hint of excitement creeping into her voice. “What exactly have I stumbled upon here?”

The hypnodomme chuckled, a melodious sound that filled the room, and said,

“Welcome to my improvised dungeon. Brandon shared a delicious fantasy with me, one I hope to make it come true.”

“Dungeon, huh?” Joan brushed her fingers against the stack of chairs. “Nice! Hypnotic BDSM is always fun.”

“You should know…” Mistress Susan winked at her, “but today, it’s all about the boys. Brandon is the star, of course, but Peter and Travis will help complete the scenario and give it a little more substance.”

Joan waved her hand before her friend’s blank visage and smiled at their complete indifference. They only had eyes for the Domme, just the way it should be.

“Okay. I like that. Are you playing too, Ava?” Joan asked.

“Mistress Susan asked me to, so yes. Princess Ava has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”

“It sure does. Well, I’m glad I made it in time to see this.” Joan looked for a place to sit. “Please proceed.”

“Is that all you want to do?” Mistress Susan smirked, clicking her heels on the floor.

“Excuse me? What are you implying?”

“Don’t play coy with me, dear. There are three boys in the room, and now there are three of us, too. If you just want to be an observer, that’s fine by me, but if you’re after something spicier, then put on your dominant shoes and let’s play together.”

As always, the hypnodomme spoke her mind yet another thing Joan loved about her. The businesswoman pursed her lips, mused about all the possibilities ahead, and said…


To decide what happens next, head over to my Patreon (you can join for free), and vote on the poll there until next Sunday. 

If you’re new to these CYOA stories, here are the basic rules:

1) You can only choose one option;

2) If there’s a tie at the end of the poll, and the competing options can be combined somehow, I’ll do that. If not, I get the deciding vote to keep the tale going.

3) The process continues every Wednesday until the story runs its natural course.


Have fun.

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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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