CYOA Wednesday 2024 – Week 40 [A Night to Remember to Forget – 14]

We continue this CYOA tale today. Synopsis below:

Brandon’s friends surprise him by inviting/hiring a hypnodomme to come to his birthday party. What fun happenings will ensue?

The winning option of the thirteenth poll with 77% of the votes was:

Brandon says everything that’s on his mind, unable to contain his excitement;

Read the fourteenth segment below:

Brandon shook his head and smiled at her, saying,

“I’m good, thanks.”

His eyes darted across the room, noticing all the familiar faces and one that wasn’t there before. He stood to hug Joan and asked,

“When did you get here?”

“When you were deep in subspace,” the businesswoman replied.

“I heard this was your idea…”

“Guilty as charged. I was sure Mistress Susan would give you an unforgettable birthday present and I was right. Welcome back to the real world, dear.”

“Hmm… thanks?” he rubbed his temples as if trying to center himself. Remnants of the powerful erotic fantasy still swirled inside his mind, making his lips wet and his cock hard. He tried to hide his erection with a pillow, but Mistress Susan talked him out of it with her soothing, mesmerizing voice.

“You don’t need to do that. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. You’re experiencing a natural response to an intense entrancing experience. I take it everything was to your liking.”

Brandon felt his cheeks flush with color as he looked at Mistress Susan, unable to hide his excitement. He stammered, “It was… it was amazing, honestly. I never would’ve imagined something so intense and fulfilling. You surpassed my wildest dreams.” A wave of gratitude washed over him, and he struggled to find the right words to express his sincerest appreciation.

Mistress Susan smiled at him, her eyes sparkling with a sense of accomplishment. “I’m glad I was a part of such an unforgettable experience for you. Your appreciation is my greatest reward.”

“It was so intense! I really believed I was in a dungeon, locked in a cage just like in my dreams. How did you do that?”

“Oh, I didn’t do much. I only painted a picture in your mind, and you filled in the details yourself. That’s the beauty of hypnosis – it can bring out your deepest desires and turn them into reality. I enhanced what was already there and you played your role to perfection. I was certain you had it in you, Brandon.”

“Thank you. Seeing it from the outside was strange, I admit, but living it… Oh God! I didn’t want it to end. I could have stayed in trance forever, worshipping your boots,” he muttered.

“Yeah, I noticed,” the hypnodomme replied. “To be honest, that’s why I brought you back. It seemed you were getting a little carried away there.”

“Was I?” he furrowed his brow. “I don’t think so.”

“No, Mistress Susan is right,” Ava said. “You were just a tad excited. It was the right call before things spiraled out of control.”

“Do you know what sub frenzy is, Brandon?” Mistress Susan asked.

“Hmm, no… I don’t think so. What is it?”

“Sub frenzy is a phenomenon that affects many new submissives. It’s that first rush of overwhelming, consuming desire to experience every kind of kink, as soon as possible, often to the point of neglecting all other concerns. When you’re too excited, you can get so immersed in the roleplay that you lose touch with reality and your sense of self. If not managed accordingly, it can lead to a loss of control and emotional instability.”

Brandon nodded, trying to process this new information. He hadn’t realized he had been caught in the experience, but maybe that was the point. Could he judge his own character when he was in an altered state of mind?

“So you saw that in me?” he queried, interlocking his fingers.

“I noticed some signs, yes. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with excitement, but it’s important for you to maintain a sense of balance and control in these situations. This was your first time. Experiencing it all at once is unhealthy. Do you understand now?”

“Yeah. You leave nothing to chance, huh?”

“If I did, I would be a terrible Domme. Safe, sane, and consensual, Brandon.Those are not just words. They’re a way of life. I’ll never endanger anyone under my care, especially a newbie. I gave you a slice of what you wanted and I’ll do it again in the future, but you need to take things slow, and enjoy the moments as they come along.”

“I second that,” Peter intervened. “Too much excitement is anything but fun. None of us would forgive yourselves if you got hurt because of this.”

Brandon let out a sigh of relief. He was glad that his experience had been guided by someone who knew what she was doing. He was grateful to have lived his fantasies, even if only for a little while. He couldn’t help but wonder what other scenarios she could make come true for him on another occasion.

“Thank you for being so thoughtful,” he said. “You gave me a lot to think about.”

“Nothing but good thoughts, I hope. It was a pleasure, Brandon,” the hypnodomme replied.

“So, is this it? Are we wrapping up for the night?” he asked, somewhat dismayed that could be the case.

“I don’t know, but you need to take a breather for now,” Mistress Susan replied. “Can you do that for me?”

“Sure,” the birthday boy nodded and stretched his aching limbs. “I could also grab a bite right now.”

“That sounds like a plan,” Travis rubbed his hands. “Pizza anyone?”

“Hmm, double cheese, pepperoni, pineapple…” Joan licked her lips. “I’m game if you are.”

“Pineapple? Eww!” Ava threw a pillow at her and everyone laughed. “Get out of here with your culinary blasphemy!”

“It’s not my fault you don’t know how to appreciate the finer things in life…” Joan grinned.

“Joan, darling, I love you, but I have to agree with Ava. Pineapple on pizza is just nasty.”

“Not you too, Mistress Susan!” Joan feigned indignation. “How am I ever going to live with such betrayal?”

Mistress Susan shook her head and chuckled. “You tell me.”

Brandon laughed too, feeling more relaxed than before. The hypnodomme was right… he needed a bit of respite to process everything he had gone through. Heart overflowing with joy, he knew that he would cherish the memories of this birthday for years to come.

“Will you join us for a greasy yet delicious meal, Mistress Susan? I’d love to have you and I’m sure everyone else here feels the same way?” Brandon asked.

To decide what happens next, head over to my Patreon (you can join for free), and vote on the poll there until next Sunday. 

If you’re new to these CYOA stories, here are the basic rules:

1) You can only choose one option;

2) If there’s a tie at the end of the poll, and the competing options can be combined somehow, I’ll do that. If not, I get the deciding vote to keep the tale going.

3) The process continues every Wednesday until the story runs its natural course.


Have fun.

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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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