Grand Theft
“Have you heard about the latest bitcoin theft? More than $70 million gone overnight!” Alec commented.
“Bah. Stealing souls is much more fun. More than 100 million already and counting…” Cassandra smiled, evilly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Her eyes glistened in unison with her sharp canines.
Crypt currency really is something to die for.
2017’s writing challenge draws closer and closer to its completion. Today’s piece is a bit of supernatural humor combined with recent events. Or the other way around. I don’t know a thing about cryptocurrency but I can still have fun with it. This is one of those tales where the underlying themes are more subdued even though they’re there in one way or another.

Saturday Night Trance
“Yes, General?”
“About yesterday…”
“What about it?”
“You hypnotized the President into becoming a Karaoke singer! And couldn’t you have picked a better song than You’re The One That I Want?”
“As greasy as he is… no. Don’t tell me you wanted to be Travolta.”
“No, but I didn’t want his bedroom keys either.”
I saw John Travolta, today. Not in person, obviously. I happened to turn my TV on and zap a little, only to realize a Travolta marathon was on. Although I immediately turned the TV off, some images remained and something silly was born. This is, once again, political satire. I’m actually starting to feel sorry for the poor General. Okay, not really.

“I finally remember everything from our hypnosis sessions, Greta!”
“Everything, Joe?”
“Do you remember when I made you wear dirty diapers?”
“Do you remember doing my laundry completely naked?”
“Do you remember when you licked my boots in front of your boss for two hours straight?”
“No, because that didn’t happen…”
“… yet.”
I mentioned before I don’t like amnesia but I do like memories. The “problem” with remembering certain things is that perhaps it would be better if we didn’t. Today’s entry touches on the subject while looking ahead at the same time. It’s dirty but I also think it’s funny and maybe you’ll feel the same way.

Nothing Wrong
“There is nothing wrong with me,” he said.
“There is nothing wrong with me,” he repeated.
“There is nothing wrong with me!” He concluded.
“Do you have something to tell me?” She asked.
“I am your mindless, hypnotized slave. There is nothing wrong with me,” he responded.
“Nothing at all,” she smirked as he knelt.
A simple piece concerning repetition, conditioning, brainwashing, and acceptance. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of these things just like there’s absolutely nothing wrong with accepting the truth even if you didn’t believe any of that a while ago.