“Come at me,” she goaded him. He charged, sword in hand.
“Come to me,” she whispered, eyes glowing. He faltered, lost his grip, began walking towards her.
“Come with me,” she suggested. He obediently followed.
“Come for me,” she commanded. He did. The crowd cheered.
To the victor, the spoils. To the loser, the spill.
I dreamed of Ancient Rome last night. I dreamed of chariot races and gladiatorial contests. I was a gladiator for some reason. Everything played out normally until a woman stepped into the arena. The dream then spiraled into a kink fest like no other, the details of which I choose to keep to myself. 😉 Nonetheless, the impression left by it all was enough to inspire this one. As for the pun at the end, it just had to come out (and yes, this pun is intended too).

“What do you want?”
“To submit to you.”
“Then why don’t you?”
“I’m afraid.”
“Of what?”
“Of sucking big time, letting you down. I need to be trained by you.”
“Trained how?”
“Reshape my mind, hypnotize me, please.”
“I already did.”
“When I made you beg for it. Again!”
He begged all night long.
In many Power Exchange relationships, begging is part of the dynamic. Many love it, some just go along with it, others don’t enjoy it at all. I don’t like it. Asking for things is already hard enough especially when there’s a good chance to be denied. Still, who am I to deny other people’s pleasure concerning the fact? I’m no one really and, if begging enriches other people’s lives, please keep on doing so. As for me, I’ll write about it because writing is fun. Even things I don’t like make sense when it comes to fiction.

Her Cage
The cage lies before you, door wide open and yet you’re… locked.
Locked by the locks of her hair.
Locked by the click of her heels on the floor.
Locked by every subtle intonation of her voice.
Locked in the most vivid of fantasies, unwilling to wake up.
Perpetual obedience awaits… surrender your mind.
I’m going to be perfectly honest and say there’s nothing particularly special about this one. It’s just a simple piece about the ecstasy of being entranced. The pull can be so strong that it locks everything away. This type of mental imprisonment is also liberating. One just needs to be able to let go of the fantasy as easily as one goes into it. Do you want to be caged?

A Lesson in Mythology
Aphrodite. Greek Goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation.
Izanami-no-Mikoto. Japanese Goddess of both creation and death.
The Zorya Sisters. Slavic guardian Goddesses known as the Auroras. They represent the Morning Star and the Evening Star.
Vesta. Roman Goddess of the hearth, home, and family.
Her. All-Powerful Hypnotic Goddess of your mind.
Sleep and worship.
I love mythology. I really do. It’s fun to read the stories, the fantastic nature of it all. It’s equally fun to play with them on my own, add new spins. I could certainly do that, but not today. This piece is just what the title says but some myths are real.