December 2021

It Begins…

The game was fun yet short. After an hour, it was over.
“Now what?” Paul grumbled.
“Beat your high score,” Olivia said.
The TV screen exploded in fireworks once more, yet each try produced diminishing results. Frustration took over as his defenses dropped.
“It begins…” she smirked, whispering thoughts of submission into his mind.

Everybody knows people are more vulnerable when in certain frames of mind and they can end up doing things they don’t really want to do because of it, for instance. Exploring emotional states like confusion, anger, or frustration can be a way for a mind controller to hack someone’s thoughts and slowly brainwash them into their particular worldview. I’ve covered this topic in many pieces throughout the years, not only in this challenge but also in other types of creations. This is yet another one to add to the list, using a game as a catalyst.

Bad Pet

The dog forced its way out of the cage and crawled up the basement stairs. As it prepared to escape, it heard its owner’s voice.
“Where do you think you’re going? Bad pet! Sleep now!” Vanessa commanded.
The dog who had once been her older brother drifted back into trance, whimpering on the carpeted floor.

As you know, I love dogs. They’re wonderful and we don’t really deserve them. One thing I don’t love is dog crates though. I understand they’re necessary sometimes but people often abuse such objects, hurting the dogs and ultimately themselves by hindering proper connections in the long run. Training is one thing, abuse is another.

Anyway, this piece came to me during my lunch break as I was taking a stroll around the block and stopped in front of a pet store where half a dozen crates of various sizes were on display. I imagined a little four-legged pup trying to run away from one, then the pup became a man and ultimately an entranced brother and this piece was born. Will you try to escape too?

Mr. Hero

Dean cut the last wire, stopping the countdown to the relief of an entire civilization. It was short-lived though.
“Congratulations,” Mistress Tempest’s voice echoed above him. “Too bad you activated a hundred more bombs in the process. Goodbye, Mr. Hero.”
Dean watched in horror as the vials of hypnotic gas flooded the city in purple.

I do love my hypnotic explosives. From pieces like Dud, to Rise and Don’t Move as well as others I don’t recall at the moment, they pop up from time to time in my writings. Don’t ask me why, it’s one of those strange fantasies with no particular reason for existing that are simply fun to write about. That and an overall hypnotic apocalypse brought about by hypnodomme wars for instance. 

Anyway, explosives triggering other explosives isn’t something new but, in this case, the result was always inevitable, just like your surrender when you least expect it. Are you ready for the blast that will obliterate your mind?

A Process

The blackouts were getting worse. First, a few seconds, now a couple of hours. Tests had been made, all inconclusive.
“I don’t understand what’s happening, sis,” Max cried.
“You’re not supposed to…” Natalie kissed his forehead before putting him back to sleep again. The drone transformation was a process, and the process was going smoothly.

Going darker again but on a smaller scale just because… random impromptu that came to me after I got my rest of the day, which was just what my body and mind needed to keep the creative juices flowing. If you ever start experiencing unaccounted blackouts no one can explain, perhaps this is why and once the process begins, stopping it is almost impossible.

We’re getting closer to the end of this year’s challenge. There will be some Christmas-related pieces going forward as usual, but expect to see a few darker concepts as well.

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