Day 8 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2024, Dominion is a piece inspired by the Jurassic World trilogy.
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“Welcome back, Owen,” Claire said, caressing the pet on her lap.
“Hi. Hmm, is that a new dinosaur species?” he asked.
“Yes, a hybrid of my own. I call it an Enraptosaurus.”
“Because it entrances people, duh! Watch.”
The animal’s skin glowed from the inside out, dulling his senses. The age of Dominion began.
How this story came to be
I crossed another movie off my list today before the grind begins again tomorrow. By the title of this piece and the featured image, you may have already figured out what it was, but I’ll type it anyway. It was Jurassic World: Dominion. It was the only movie in the series I didn’t watch in the theaters. I was going to but then I changed my mind and decided not to. I guess I wasn’t in the mood for dinosaurs. I saw all the other ones but nothing beats the thrill of the first one. I was also a big fan of Michael Crichton’s novel back in the day. My mother bought it for me as a Christmas gift. It was a great time.
Of the new trilogy of movies, I did like Jurassic World. Fallen Kingdom had its moments but it wasn’t that great and this one… well, it was the weakest for sure even if I did enjoy seeing dinosaurs out and about in the world and the original trio back in action for a bit. The effects are great but the plot has some tonal inconsistencies, overall.
Anyway, inspired by it, I wrote my own version of the tale, one in which Claire, the character played by the lovely Bryce Dallas Howard is evil, and fabricates a dinosaur of her own. The idea of using a living being as a hypnotic weapon is a bit out there, but I do like weird stuff, so…
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.