Evil Pleasures
Day 22 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2023, Evil Pleasures is a dark piece about witchcraft and “food”.

Evil Pleasures
Daniel stared awkwardly at the “food” on Rachel’s plate.
“You’re eating cock…” he said.
“I am…” she retorted.
“You are literally eating a man’s cock! Why?”
“Evil witch, evil pleasures…” she grinned. “Want a bite?”
“No, thank you.”
“Eat it before I get mad…” dark magic crept at her fingers.
Daniel reached for his fork.
How this story came to be
Do you like vegan sausages? I have to say that, of all the vegan/vegetarian food I’ve eaten in the last couple of years, these remain my least favorite. Still, that’s what I had for dinner tonight and yes, this dark piece came to me while I was sitting at the kitchen table, with both dogs and the cat staring awkwardly to see if they would be getting some of the food on my plate or not.
I understand this one is dark and quite gross but this challenge is made up of everything from humor to horror, so…
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.