Expensive Dinner
Day 54 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2024, Expensive Dinner is another humorous Alexandra Ryder piece, this time about luxurious food.

Expensive Dinner
“Yes, General?”
“Why did you spend ten thousand dollars on a dinner last week?”
“Because I was very hungry?” she smirked.
“Right… what did you eat? Your weight in gold?”
“Dinosaur steak tartare.”
“That doesn’t exist.”
“Neither does that bill.”
The General looked at the blank piece of paper he was holding and laughed.
How this story came to be
I’m tired. It’s been an exceptionally long day and the weather is fucking atrocious with constant hailstorms. It’s also quite cold, so my hands are getting swollen again because of chilblains. Yeah… not great.
I decided to write another Alexandra snippet because she’s funny and her shenanigans make me laugh. Not really sure why I decided to go with food, but it works. If dinosaur steak tartare was a real thing, would you try it or not?
Curious fact: this was another one of those stories where no trimming or adding extra words. The first draft was exactly 55 words long. I don’t remember when was the last thing that happened but it’s always fun.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.