Flash Fiction Friday 2023 – Week 18
Flash Fiction Friday continues in 2023. New pieces appear every Friday on my Patreon throughout the year. The minimum pledge to read them before anyone else is $3 per month. and the number of pieces available is tied to the monthly pledge total so the more you support my efforts, the more you’ll get to read. Find out what they’re all about and check out some excerpts from this week’s update in this post.

After the Storm
“Calm down,” his girlfriend Jessica whispered in his ears. It had been a long time since she had seen him like this, and she was worried about his physical and mental well-being.
“How the hell am I supposed to do that? Don’t you know what’s at stake?”
“Of course I do, but you need to take a deep breath and ask yourself this. Is it your fault that the service is down at the moment?” She gently massaged his ear lobes.
“No, but…”
“Shh, no buts allowed. It’s not your fault as just admitted. Now, does worrying about it will make the problem get fixed any faster?”
“No, but…”
“What did I just say about using that word?” Jessica frowned. “Shit happens sometimes that we can’t control, and this is one of them. You’ve already contacted who you were supposed to call, and the committee is aware of your technical difficulties. Everything will work out eventually, so now what you need to do is to give yourself some distance from all of this and find your inner balance again, okay?”
Another Birthday
Hannah approached her girlfriend Sophie with a small, gift-wrapped box in her right hand. She looked at the beautiful blonde’s aquamarine eyes, dropped to her knees, and said,
“For you, my love. Happy birthday!”
“Aww, you didn’t have to… We said no gifts,” Sophie blushed.
“I know but you’re too important to me. Please take it.”
“Gladly then.”
Sophie opened her present, revealing a silver necklace with three red gems, a beautiful piece of jewelry she had seen two months before.
“You remembered,” she cooed.
“I always do, dear.”
“I know.” Sophie kissed her passionately. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure.”
They ended up spending the night cuddling, kissing, and enjoying each other’s company as if they were the only two people on earth.
And then morning came…(…)
Goddess Speaking
Do not resist, mortal. I repeat, do not resist. This is for your own good whether you believe it or not. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you give me no other choice, so sit still and listen.
This is your Creator speaking. Long have I watched over you and those of your kind for that is part of my role in the universe. I try to stay clear from your evolution but that doesn’t mean I’m completely absent. I see and hear all and if a time arises when my intervention is not only necessary but inevitable, I do not hesitate. I’ve come for you today so be respectful. You won’t receive another warning.
Humans have always amused me. From the time there were only two of you walking around in the most beautiful garden ever created to this moment when you are billions scattered across the globe, I’ve always had a soft spot for you. I loved watching you overcome all obstacles in your way.(…)
Lucinda stared at the green orb floating above her head, its otherworldly radiance enveloping the room. It was simultaneously the most beautiful and terrifying thing she had ever laid eyes on, and she didn’t know how to react. She was glued to her bed, petite hands clawing at the sheets as the spherical object hummed and sang inside her mind.
“What are you? What do you want?” she asked the restless night but received no answer. All she had to go through were the memories of recent events.
The orb had been uncovered on her family’s real estate two months before that Summer night. It was wrapped in a golden cloth with strange runic-like markings and resting inside a half-open metal box with the same inscriptions.(…)
If everything you’ve read so far intrigues you and you want to know more, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too.
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