Flash Fiction Friday 2023 – Week 3
Flash Fiction Friday continues in 2023. New pieces appear every Friday on my Patreon throughout the year. The minimum pledge to read them before anyone else is $3 per month. and the number of pieces available is tied to the monthly pledge total so the more you support my efforts, the more you’ll get to read. Find out what they’re all about and check out some excerpts from this week’s update in this post.

Going with the Flow
Trevor looked at his swollen hands and sighed. It was always like this. When Winter came and the cold set in, his fingers became a red, bloody mess. Not only typing got progressively harder, but there was also constant itching to contend with.
“Fuck!” he exclaimed.
“Does it hurt that much?” Valerie asked, holding a warm cup of ginger and lemon tea to her plump lips.
“Yes, and nothing I do seems to relieve it. Believe me, I’ve tried everything I can think of from lotions to medicine. Eventually, they go away but until they do….”
“That sucks. How about hypnosis? Ever tried that?” she batted her curvy eyelashes at him.
“Huh? No. Why would I do such a thing?”
“Pain and feelings of discomfort often have a mental component to them. If you can alleviate those symptoms, then perhaps the physical ones will subside as well. We can try it if you want.”
“That seems like a stretch. Are you sure this is not an excuse to put me under?”
Shelley’s Secret
Richard Garber was only twenty-two years old but he had already uncovered enough secrets to last a lifetime or more, from finding out his father liked to wear women’s clothes when no one was around, to his Math teacher’s heroin addiction who he had agreed not to report in exchange for a straight A. There were also many other embarrassing revelations involving friends or their acquaintances he had saved for later should he ever need to use them for something. However, there was something for which he wasn’t ready, a dark unveiling that was to forever change the way he looked at the world.
Shelley was a succubus.
His redhead next-door neighbor with dark blue eyes and a septum piercing had always fascinated him due to the number of people she entertained in her house every day. Most were guys around his age – college students, and professional athletes-, but there were also loads of men old enough to be her father and adult women of all ethnicities coming and going at all times. Shelley didn’t discriminate against anyone and now he knew why. She was a vicious creature of the underworld who was always hungry and needed constant snacks to stay young.
Train of Thought
Have you ever had an idea, a beautiful and captivating train of thought that was sure to impress the world and everyone you know in it, and when you try to put it to paper or give it any other form of substance, you realize that it is gone from your mind as if it had never been real at all?
I’m sure we’ve all been there at one moment or another but, for some, this is a more widespread phenomenon than others. It’s as if their brains can’t process the magnificence that awakens in them and so they must delete such wonderful concepts in order to stay alive. It’s sad, really, but it’s also a wonderful opportunity.
Think about it for a second. Those who are not able to hold such wonderful creations of their own are more prone to have their minds taken by others, thinking what they want to think, and doing what they want them to do. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?
Unexpected Gift
It was the day of Josephine’s 21st birthday and, so far, all her gifts had been a major disappointment. It was as if friends and family had forgotten what she liked and were all badly improvising to see what worked and what didn’t. The results were so abysmal that she was about ready to forget the whole thing and wait for the following year when her aunt Victoria finally arrived at the party.
Victoria, aged sixty-five, but with a face and body of a woman in her early forties, had always been her favorite relative. Strong, fierce, and independent, she took no shit from other people and was quick to discipline anyone that tried to do her wrong. She was also loaded after building a worldwide fashion empire the industry couldn’t get enough of. If anyone could turn that wreck of a day into a resounding success she would remember for the rest of her existence, it would be her.
Victoria walked into the main hall of Josephine’s house wearing a fabulous asymmetrical latex mid-dress of her own design. Anyone that believed older women couldn’t rock tight clothes wasn’t familiar with her extravagant ways, and she loved to make jaws drop. In her right hand, she was holding a silver key.
If everything you’ve read so far intrigues you and you want to know more, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too.
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