Flash Fiction Friday 2023 – Week 35
Flash Fiction Friday continues in 2023. New pieces appear every Friday on my Patreon throughout the year. The minimum pledge to read them before anyone else is $3 per month. and the number of pieces available is tied to the monthly pledge total so the more you support my efforts, the more you’ll get to read. Find out what they’re all about and check out some excerpts from this week’s update in this post.

Entrancing Haul
Alec entered his apartment and dropped the heavy bags of clothing on the carpeted floor. It had been a productive – and expensive! – shopping spree. There was only one problem: he had no idea what he had just bought.
Everything was hazy as usual whenever he heard his hypnodomme’s voice. When Mistress Flora wanted to have some fun at his expense, all she had to do was give him a call, say the magic word, and… mindless drone five thousand miles away, ready to do her bidding. She particularly enjoyed having him do humiliating stuff with everyday objects but things were different when there was fresh money available. The moment additional funds landed on his bank account, she always had a million different ideas to spend them and he couldn’t do anything to stop her.
She had trained him well. A few months of classic conditioning had broken his resistance to the point of no return but it was the constant barrage of unsuspecting hypnotic triggers that kept him completely under her control. He would often go to bed convinced he would be sleeping in five minutes, only to find himself kneeling before a picture of her and chanting his submissive mantras for an hour straight. When he was not hard at work making money to please her, his thoughts were in a perpetual state of confusion, his memories rewritten as she pleased. That was the price to pay for being a slave, one he would never stop paying while he served her.
Diana sat in her bed, looking positively bored. If she wanted something, all she needed to do was snap her fingers and a willing slave would tend to her needs. Food from her favorite place twenty-five miles away from home? Snap. Having her toes licked for an hour straight? Snap. A new BDSM toy to smack the living shit of her former boss? Snap. It was all too easy.
It had been fun at first. The sudden realization that she possessed almost godlike mind-controlling powers came at a time when her life was in the dumps and changed everything overnight. She became rich, famous, and utterly irresistible, like a modern-day Cleopatra but without the snakes. She hated snakes and creepy crawlers and if she could wipe them off the face of the earth, she wouldn’t hesitate for a second.
The problem was that the entertainment was short-lived. With everyone falling mindlessly in love with her and begging to serve her, all the challenges in her existence ceased to be, and her motivation levels dropped like a rock. Yes, she could look pretty in the most extravagant outfits money could buy and have a personal chef doing nothing 24/7 but preparing her favorite ice cream but so what? What was the point of even trying anymore?
The Darkness Within
Walter hated carnivals. The reason why dated back to his childhood days when an evil-looking clown had scared him into entering a funhouse filled with distorted mirrors and creepy sounds playing in the background. If this sounds like the premise of a cheap horror movie, he felt the way but there was nothing gratuitous about the lingering trauma. When his parents found him twenty minutes later, Walter was shaking in a corner of the room screaming about the shadows that wanted to come out of the mirror to devour his soul. That story would haunt him for decades to come.
As he grew older, Walter convinced himself he had imagined it all. It’s what his family and his therapist wanted him to believe and so he accepted it as a fact. People with an exceedingly creative mind often got lost in it and surely that explained it all. There were no evil supernatural creatures out to get him but that didn’t mean he couldn’t talk about them and even use that scary imagery to his advantage.
Against all advice from the ones closest to him, Walter became a writer. Horror was his game, from the more subtle impressions that made readers wonder if there was something in the room with them watching their every move to full-on gore fests where human bodies were subjected to the most gruesome forms of torture imaginable.
When She’s In Town
I always know when Delilah is in town. Always. We have this strange connection I can’t explain. The moment she sets foot anywhere near my neighborhood, my heart skips a beat, my palms get sweaty, and I feel a huge lump in my throat. It’s only there when she’s around and goes away right after she leaves. Yes, it’s weird, but so is our relationship.
Delilah is my best friend. That has been the case ever since we were both toddlers and the twenty-five years that passed in the meantime did nothing to alter this basic fact of life. She’s also a fuck buddy when either of us is feeling down, no questions asked. Oh, and to top it all, she’s also a witch.
Okay, hear me out. Not one of those fairytale witches with pointy hats, big noses, and old brooms to fly around in. She doesn’t do magic in the traditional sense of the word but has a profound knowledge of plants and Nature as a whole. If you don’t want to rely on modern medicine to treat the ailments of your body and mind, you can always talk to her and she’ll cook you up an elixir, an ointment, or even a tea that will make your worries go away. She’s an expert at making people feel good and I love her for that. Hell, everyone does!
If everything you’ve read so far intrigues you and you want to know more, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too.
Should you decide to join this cause, your support will help make sure this site thrives and that more and more content is produced for you on a daily basis. Thanks.