Flash Fiction Friday 2023 – Week 44
Flash Fiction Friday continues in 2023. New pieces appear every Friday on my Patreon throughout the year. The minimum pledge to read them before anyone else is $3 per month. and the number of pieces available is tied to the monthly pledge total so the more you support my efforts, the more you’ll get to read. Find out what they’re all about and check out some excerpts from this week’s update in this post.

Damian Harris had one of the most punchable faces ever and that shouldn’t come as a surprise considering what he did for a living. He was a defense attorney but he only took on high-profile clients, the millionaires and billionaires with glass ceilings and plenty of skeletons in their golden closets. He defended anyone who paid his exorbitant fees with no qualms about lying or hurting innocent people. As long as his clients got what they wanted, he was a happy man. Over the years he had made many enemies but none more dangerous than a scorned woman who happened to excel at dominating and hypnotizing people to do her bidding. Mistress Letitia Jones was a cruel blue-eyed blonde with a stable of more than two hundred servants always on the ready to serve. An attack on one was an attack on them all and Damian had just made the worst mistake of his life.
The sadistic hypnodomme was waiting for him in his house when he arrived from the courthouse that Friday afternoon. She was clad in black and pink fur, with a cigarette holder in her right hand, and a lighter in her left. Three men were with her, muscled brutes whose brains had been completely warped to respond only to the sound of her voice. All she needed to do was give the word and they would turn the lawyer’s skull into a bloody mess.
Don’t Read Between the Lines
Hello and thank you for taking some precious time off your busy schedule to check out this writing of mine. I’m pleased you chose to do so for I know you only read what truly matters to you. However, I feel like I need to stress this out right now so that there is no confusion. Whatever you do, don’t read between the lines. This is not meant to be a hypnotic text, there’s nothing entrancing in these words and the ones that will follow.
Why did I start with that? Well, because you do have a reputation, my dear. It has reached my ears over the last couple of months how much you love things like that. It’s your innermost fetish, a longing so intense that it defies explanation or any attempt to express it in words. You can’t do it so you look for others to do it for you and surely that was the main reason that brought you here today. I’m sorry to disappoint you but you won’t get any of that here. This text is about feelings, so don’t read between the lines. Promise me that. Okay, thank you. Let’s begin.
Supernatural Sex Therapy
“This isn’t happening,” Richard said. “This isn’t happening,” he repeated, but no matter how many times he uttered the lie, he knew for sure he wasn’t dreaming. His girlfriend was levitating just like his first celebrity crush, Sigourney Weaver in the original Ghostbusters movie. Now, all that was missing was a beastly voice coming out of her red-painted lips and bad things were sure to follow.
“Hello, darling,” Catherine said with a surprisingly warm and angelic tone. “I’m so glad you’re home. I’ve missed you so much.”
“You’re not my wife,” he replied, looking at the mess all over the bedroom. There was an old Ouija board broken by the bed, black candles melting in the mahogany nightstand, and what appeared to be feathers from a pillow suspended in the air like DYI snowflakes. The main window was wide open but not even a breeze was allowed inside. In that surreal microcosmos, he had just stepped in, the person defying the laws of gravity called all the shots.
“I’m not?” Catherine giggled. “I mean, I’m wearing her body so technically I am her but I’m not at the same time. It’s a bit confusing, I admit, but I hope you don’t mind.”
You Win
For the first time since he remembered, Jonathan was stumped, and the person responsible for it was the only one he didn’t expect to pull off such a stunt. Her name was Katrina, she worked in the mail room of his accounting firm, and she was full of secrets, just like him.
When he wasn’t busy going through business transactions and financial records, Jonathan occupied his time blogging under the alias of Luke Wells. He had a small website where he ran a daily writing challenge, answering prompts his visitors left him or coming up with ideas on his own based on his life experiences. He hadn’t told anyone in the company about this hobby but that didn’t stop her from finding out.
It was his fault, really. He dropped his phone on the elevator and she picked it up. A swipe on the screen to see who it belonged to revealed his website address and she couldn’t contain her excitement. She was already a fan of his writing long before discovering his identity but now that the info was out…
If everything you’ve read so far intrigues you and you want to know more, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too.
Should you decide to join this cause, your support will help make sure this site thrives and that more and more content is produced for you on a daily basis. Thanks.