Flash Fiction Friday 2023 – Week 8
Flash Fiction Friday continues in 2023. New pieces appear every Friday on my Patreon throughout the year. The minimum pledge to read them before anyone else is $3 per month. and the number of pieces available is tied to the monthly pledge total so the more you support my efforts, the more you’ll get to read. Find out what they’re all about and check out some excerpts from this week’s update in this post.

Feeding Time
The vampire stared pensively at the honey-blonde woman standing in front of him. In over three hundred years of existence, he had ensnared many unsuspecting humans without breaking a sweat, but she was different. Not only was she resisting his supernatural charms, but she was also actively making fun of his attempts to bring her to heel.
“Is that all you’ve got?” she asked, leaning against one of the concrete pillars of the underground parking lot. “Come on, are you even trying?”
“I don’t understand,” he muttered, the bright lights above reflecting off his sharp fangs. “How are you doing this?”
“I guess I’m not your typical human prey.”
“No, you’re definitely not, so what are you?”
“Either your new best friend or your worst nightmare. It all depends on whether you decide to do the right thing or not.”
Hank Waters checked and doublechecked the data on his monitor and the results left no margin for doubt. The worst-case scenario everyone feared was about to come true.
“Oh shit!” he exclaimed, spitting his nicotine gum. “Shit! Shit! Shit!”
“What’s wrong?” Trevor rotated his chair and joined him in contemplating the inevitable doom. Unlike his friend and co-worker, his expletives were louder and harsher. “Fucking hell! Is this for real?”
“Yes. Hyp1 has entered a decaying orbit and it’s already past manual correction. The satellite is going to crash, Trevor.”
“No! That can’t be right! Fix this, Hank. You need to fix this right now!”
We Need to Talk
June loved Erin. She was her best friend, and the sister she never had. They were always together and never seemed to get tired of each other’s company. Outsiders had a hard time understanding just how close they were but that didn’t bother them at all. As long as they both lived, nothing or no one could keep them apart.
For years, June believed this, and yet life has a way to surprise us when we least expect it. While she adored her friend and companion from the bottom of her heart, there was something that occasionally bothered her: Erin liked to steal her boyfriends.
Okay, so stealing perhaps wasn’t the most appropriate word. What she did whenever someone new came into June’s life was to test him to see how interested he really was. If Erin could seduce them and make them forget about her, then they were no good and had to be discarded right away. If there was one thing she didn’t admit was for anyone to cheat on her friend.
You’re a Great Cook
William sat in the corner of his bedroom, crying with his head buried between his shoulders. He had failed. Mistress Georgia had given him a simple task to prove his worth and he had let her down as always. He didn’t deserve her attention let alone hear her sweet triggers taking over his mind.
The task comprised the following: he had to persuade his friends to book a session with her so she could ensnare them as well. Once they were hers, she would give them the same command, creating a perfect army of mindless thralls one trance at a time. Failure to comply would result in being forever removed from her inner circle, and that was a fate worse than death.
“Fuck!” he sobbed, his clothes in disarray. “Why can’t you do anything right?”´
He tried everything to get their attention, praising his Mistress’ skills like a good pet should but all he received in return were mocking smiles as well as a butt load of insults. They called him pussy-whipped, a sissy, a disgrace to all men in the world, but what did they know?
If everything you’ve read so far intrigues you and you want to know more, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too.
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