Flash Fiction Friday 2024 – Week 33

Flash Fiction Friday continues in 2024. New pieces appear every Friday on my Patreon throughout the year. The minimum pledge to read them before anyone else is $3 per month. and the number of pieces available is tied to the monthly pledge total so the more you support my efforts, the more you’ll get to read. Find out what they’re all about and check out some excerpts from this week’s update in this post.


Come to Bed

Jonas sat at his desk, hunched over his laptop, engrossed in his work. His fingers danced across the keyboard, the tapping of the keys the only sound in the quiet room. Stacks of books and papers were everywhere.
At the far end of the room, his girlfriend, Bonnie, lay on the bed. She wore a silk nightgown that shimmered in the low light, the delicate fabric hugging her sensual curves. Her dark air fanned out around her like a halo, and her green eyes sparkled with mischief as she watched him work.
“Jonas,” she purred, stretching on the pink sheets. “It’s late. Come to bed.”
He shook his head without looking at her and said,
“I can’t. I have important things to do.”
Bonnie continued to watch him, a sly smile playing on her lips. She sat up on the bed, letting the silky nightgown slide off her shoulders, revealing more of her smooth skin. Her movements were deliberate, each one calculated to draw his attention away from his work.
She walked over to him, her bare feet making no sound on the carpeted floor. Standing behind him, she leaned down so that her breath tickled his ear.
“But Jonas…,” she murmured. “What can be more important than me?”


Harold and Brea

It was a glorious summer morning and the first day of Harold’s new life. He had been selected to be one of the first subjects to try out the new AI portable companion system, codename “Brea”. It comprised a sleek black bracelet wrapped around his wrist, and a small chip that had been implanted at the base of his neck. He stood in front of his wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear. With a deep breath, he tapped the small button on the side of the bracelet, activating it.
A smooth, melodic voice filled the room, caressing his senses like a gentle breeze. “Good morning, Harold,” it purred. “Today’s agenda includes a visit to the gym for a rigorous workout followed by a healthy breakfast of oatmeal and fruit. You will wear the red training outfit you bought last week. You must be at the gym in ten minutes. Get to it.”
Harold stared into space as a strange compulsion washed over him, stemming from the chip. It whispered to him, urging him to heel the commands of the bracelet. Unable to resist, he nodded and began to get dressed for his morning routine.

You Need to Stop

Hello. Please, take a seat. I’ve been delaying this conversation for weeks now, hoping you’d come to your senses without my help, but I can’t sit still anymore. Listen as if your life depends on it. You need to stop, okay? You need to stop visiting Mistress Octavia’s website, the sooner the better.
She’s not a good person. She’s not! Underneath all that makeup and fetish outfits, is an uncaring soul who’s only after one thing: money slaves. Mistress Octavia claims that her BDSM sessions are a path to self-discipline and self-improvement, but in reality, she only seeks to extract as much as she can from those who find themselves trapped in her web. Every time you go to her site, you’re brainwashed into wanting to give yourself to her.
Yes, I said brainwashed, and no, I’m not being fucking paranoid! There are subliminal messages everywhere and all the texts there are filled with hypnotic references. And don’t get me started on the pictures! Every single one is a mesmerizing trap implanting suggestions of power in your gullible mind. You’ve been thinking about seeing her in person for the last couple of days, haven’t you? Of course you have! That’s what she does.


If everything you’ve read so far intrigues you and you want to know more, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too.

Should you decide to join this cause, your support will help make sure this site thrives and that more and more content is produced for you on a daily basis. Thanks.

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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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