Flash Fiction Friday 2024 – Week 4
Flash Fiction Friday continues in 2024. New pieces appear every Friday on my Patreon throughout the year. The minimum pledge to read them before anyone else is $3 per month. and the number of pieces available is tied to the monthly pledge total so the more you support my efforts, the more you’ll get to read. Find out what they’re all about and check out some excerpts from this week’s update in this post.

Covered In Spirals
Olivia’s naked body was covered in spirals, some red, some blue, some green… there were even hints of orange and violet in there. The spirals changed colors as she swayed her hips and some even appeared to switch places when she smiled. Tim had never seen anything like it.
“What do you think, big boy?” she teased, her erect nipples and shaved pussy barely visible in the middle of the chromatic explosion.
“It looks amazing,” the African-American said, feasting on her every curve and the mesmerizing promises contained therein. He was sitting in velvet chair with his hands resting on his lap. A twitchy finger caressed the underside of his swollen balls. “But how are you doing this?”
“It’s magic,” she replied, biting her lower lip.
“I’m serious!”
“So am I.”
The Need to Submit
The desire to please… The need to submit to powerful women… You know what those are, don’t you? You know it because you’ve lived with them almost all your life. But I bet you don’t know where they came from. I’m sure you can’t explain how they came to be and why they’re so important to you. Well, I’m here today to tell you that…
… It’s okay. It’s perfectly fine to not understand why some things are the way they are as long as they work and they feel right. We often spend too much time trying to rationalize and explain everything that happens to us instead of living life and going with the flow of things. I’m guilty of that and so are you. However, there’s always time to embrace a new perspective, and to let go of whatever no longer interests us. I asked you to come here today not to put into words why you’re submissive from head to toe, but simply to allow you to feel that submission like you’ve never felt it before. Read my words, hear them in your mind, and you’ll be one step closer to true bliss.
What distinguishes a need from a want is it’s essentiality. Needs are all-encompassing, they define what we are. We can’t live without them even if we try and that’s exactly what goes through your mind when you think of women. You see them as Princesses. You see them as Queens. You see them as Goddesses that need to be obeyed.
Vengeance Was Sweet
Diana Matthews was not a good woman. She was a narcissistic bitch who cared only about her success and had no trouble throwing anyone under the bus to get what she wanted. In a little over forty years of existence, she had used her abrasive personality to her advantage countless times, getting others to do her bidding and then backstabbing them when they were no longer useful. Loyalty was a one-sided affair to her, and she knew not what remorse meant. It didn’t matter how much one sacrificed for her. Everyone was expendable and replaceable in her world. It was only a matter of time.
Her continued success in both the private and public sphere meant she had come to believe she was untouchable, but believing in something doesn’t always make it true. On the day prior to her birthday, she was finally in for a rude awakening, courtesy of her former assistant Rita Hayes.
Rita was sitting by Diana’s bed when the vile woman opened her eyes and realized she had been stripped naked and was wrapped up like an Egyptian mummy about to spend eternity trapped in a sarcophagus. Only her head was free from such bindings but not for long.
You Cheated!
Things were tense in the William’s household. Daniel and Nikki were having a fight again.
“Just tell me the truth!” she spat, her blue eyes beaming with rage.
“I’ve been telling you the truth this whole time!” he replied. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“Admit you’ve been cheating on me with a hypnotist!” she tapped her feet. “Is that so hard?”
“Yes, because you’re being delusional. I don’t even know any hypnotists, for fuck’s sake!”
“Oh, yeah?” she growled like a rabid animal, her fingers threatening to mutate into sharp claws if her demands weren’t met. “How about Joan, huh?”
“What about her? She’s a co-worker, nothing more. And if she’s a hypnotist, that’s the first time I’m hearing about it.”
If everything you’ve read so far intrigues you and you want to know more, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too.
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