Heaven Is Hell
© S.B. 2025 All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction and distribution of this writing without the author’s written permission is prohibited. This writing is not to be included in any publication – free or otherwise -, except the author’s self-published works.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All the characters are over 18.
You think you know a lot about the Afterlife. Everything you know is wrong, even the part about Heaven and Hell.
When the being known as God abandoned His (or Her – nobody knows for sure!) Creation, what used to be a thorough soul-scanning process to determine who would go where, was replaced by a series of mechanical subroutines controlled by Artificial Intelligence. Everything became leaner and faster but also tasteless and devoid of excitement.
Still, a secondary protocol, a failsafe mechanism in case of system error. That’s when a group of rogue angels and demons combined their essences to create a new lifeform – The Judges. There are 112 of these creatures in existence in the higher planes of the universe, they’re all one, a hive mind who oversees the process and handles arbitration for the toughest cases.
Enter Jeremiah Hensley, a man so unique that his actions on Earth infuriated both Heaven and Hell. Both sides claimed his soul and it was up to The Judges to determine who would get it.
His soul form wasn’t that much different from what he looked like when he was alive, minus twenty pounds. Jeremiah stood on what looked like a floating silver cloud, looking at a convoluted mass of spirals floating in the air. The Judges often changed their physical appearance to match the circumstances of the case, and their forms made absolute sense to the one on trial.
Left of Jeremiah was Maldressa, a burgundy-skinned demon rocking a fiery red corset and matching thigh-high boots. Like all demons in her family, she never wore underwear not even for court appearances, her hairy bush trimmed to perfection.
To the right was Anael, a buxom blonde dressed in a white toga that was the finest piece of ass Heaven had to offer. Despite her angelical nature, she was quite mischievous and it was no wonder she was always the one on the forefront to deal with complex cases like this one.
The two opposing parties greeted The Judges who immediately asked why they were bothering them. What was so special about this soul?
“Mr. Hensley was a hypnotist in life, Your Honors,” Maldressa began, “but not just any hypnotist. He was a corruptor of minds who brainwashed and enslaved people to do his bidding.”
“That sounds right up your alley,” The Judges retorted. “Is that why Hell wants him?”
“Yes, and no. While we commend Mr. Hensley for being such a deviant perv, he took things too far when he seduced and ensnared a handful of demons sent to watch over him. We demand that his soul be handed to us so we can torture it for eternity.”
“We see,” The Judges spiraled in and out of themselves, hovering over Jeremiah’s confused gaze. “And what is Heaven’s interest in such a tainted soul, Anael?”
“Despite Mr. Hensley’s unusual proclivities, we were happy to see him give those demonic bitches a taste of their own medicine, but unfortunately, he also seduced and made a mockery of a few of our own. The brightest of angels lost their wings because of his hypnotic machinations. We wish for his soul to be transferred to Heaven so we can punish it with God’s Wrath for all eternity.”
“So, this case is all about punishment and not justice?” The Judges queried, frozen in the air.
“Of course!” Maldressa declared. “His soul belongs in Hell for endless suffering, payback for hurting our kind.”
“Hell already has too many souls, and Heaven wants to make new music out of his screams. It is only fair that his eternal torment happens under our care.”
The Judges spun in place, spiraling in and out. It was quite an unusual case but the fact that both parties had been wronged the same way made the weighing of arguments easier. The only solution that made sense was,
“Joint custody,” they said.
“Excuse me, Your Honors?” Anael exhaled, her bountiful boobs spilling out of her virginal attire.
“It would be wrong to deprive any party of exercising their right to seek reparations from this man’s actions in life. Hurting another human being is already offensive, but to assault and condition those who are superior is beyond egregious. Instead of fighting over this, you should join forces to teach him everything he deserves. We hereby declare that his soul be shared, alternating between Heaven and Hell to suffer in any way you please. Let this reminder that while mankind is powerful, we are and will always be above them. Find a timeframe that works for you both and get it done. We look forward to hearing his symphony of pain.”
Jeremiah stared, dumbfounded at the floating mass of spirals as it faded into nothingness. Although he wanted to say something in his defense, his mouth was sewn shut, a situation that would soon be rectified. Hell would make him scream from every pore and Heaven was going to make him think The Old Testament was a walk in the park.
“That went well,” Maldressa declared, rubbing her pussy.
“Agreed,” Anael said, admiring the view. “You’re looking kind of wet right now.”
“I’m always wet because of the heat down there, but if you want to make me even wetter while we discuss who gets to fuck his soul first, I’m game!”
“I thought you would never ask,” Anael chuckled, dropping all pretense of modesty as she pushed a handful of feathers inside the demon’s cunt with a smirk. Whoever said angels had no sex, didn’t know what they were talking about either.
Everything you think you know about the Afterlife is wrong. Everything Jeremiah knows right now will soon be forgotten in a cacophony of misery above and below. Heaven is Hell, and Hell is Heaven. Punishment is forever.

A new daily challenge. The goal is to create 365 new pieces of flash fiction dealing with themes of femdom, hypnosis, and mind control. Inspiration will come from all over the place, including your suggestions. Credit will be given to everyone who suggests something for me to write about.
I’m doing a test run of this feature in January 2025 to prove I can do it. If you want the challenge to continue until the end of the year, help me achieve my Patreon goal of $250 a month.