Her Games
Day 10 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2024, Her Games is a humorous piece about language, videogames, and witchcraft.
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Her Games
“Mamma Mia!” Jared exclaimed.
“Oh, no! Lucas said.
“What’s wrong?”
“You’re talking like Mario again.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Really? How about we go eat some mushrooms?”
“Let’s-a go.”
“See what I mean? You can come out now, Marge.” Lucas clapped.
The young witch materialized between them, holding a portable console. Her games were the best.
How this story came to be
I bought two games last year. Yeah, only two. Gone are the days when I used to buy twenty, thirty, or more, and only play half of them, or even less. I bought two, and that was enough. I thought of purchasing others like Super Mario Wonder but decided against it in light of my new rule which is the following: if I’m not sure I’ll have the time to play something in the six months to follow then I don’t buy it. Maybe one day, things will be different but the rule has been serving me well for a while now, so I don’t see it changing.
Anyhow, where did this strange combination of Mario and witchcraft come from? Not sure. A random thought here and there and… Boom! A strange story was born. Now, imagine this: if this witch comes up with spells based on the games she plays, what would happen to Jared if she was into first-person shooters, horror games, or maybe hentai stuff? Yeah, I’ll leave you with that thought.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.