Hypnotic Surveillance
Let’s go back in time today with a trio of pieces originaaly created fourteen years ago. They were made for a challenge at The Hypnopics Collective and they haven’t been available anywhere else since then. In the beginning, they were just one big panel but I decided to separate them into three for this resurfacing as it makes things easier to appreciate. Other than that, the other tweak to the primary concept was adding the site’s logo as opposed to the old S.B. spiral.
Why are they coming back now? Well, for starters because it’s fun to reminisce, but also because of the new galleries. Have you seen them yet? I’ve been working on them little by little for a while now to give you guys an easy way to browse my work and perhaps find your new favorite. There, you’ll find over 1800 pics by now but there are many unedited ones from the past as well that have yet to make their way there as well as another year worth of content on my Patreon feed. It’s a lot and they’ll keep on coming on 2022 unless something strange happens. Please consider supporting my efforts if you wish for the content to keep on coming.
Anyway, let’s return to the pics in question. Behold a surveillance mission gone hypnotic. Please enjoy.

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