I Hate This!
Day 301 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2024, I Hate This! is a Halloween piece about movies, demons, and vampires.

I Hate This!
Rick cowered on the sofa.
“God, I hate this!” he said.
“It’s just a movie!” Paula shrugged.
“I know, but anything involving demonic possession just messes me up.”
“How about werewolves, vampires, and things like that?”
“Nah! That shit is fine!”
“Good to know.”
He didn’t see her protruding canines until it was too late.
How this story came to be
Just something silly for Spooky Season. I’ve always enjoyed horror to some extent. When I was younger, I consumed it primarily via short stories and novels. Movies and TV shows, not so much. As I grew older, I’ve started watching a lot more horror on and my tolerance for certain things has greatly expanded. While I prefer creature features to demonic possessions, I can handle them just fine as I think I’ve become a bit desensitized over the years. Some forms of gore still get to me in the moment but it’s see to put them behind me after a while. I would probably cower in fear too though if some of these things were real. How about you?
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.