Introducing Spell… H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N
This year, Spell… B-O-U-N-D is celebrating Halloween in style with a month-long special feature entitled Spell… H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N.
Yes, even though the occasion is still not widely celebrated around here (although it’s been growing exponentially over the years), its overall appeal can not be denied. Supernatural and mind control often go hand in hand so it’s time to let the kink demons run free.
How is this going to work, you ask? It’s quite simple. Every single day of October, there will be a little something with supernatural overtones waiting for you. Perhaps, it’s another piece of micro-fiction; perhaps, it’s a poem; perhaps it’s a photo-story… you get the picture. Posts pertaining to this feature will be easy to recognize because they’ll be headlined by the following image with the corresponding day added for each one.
One thing is for certain. All pieces will be new, created specifically for this occasion. Some will be light, others quite dark, but hopefully all fun.
And guess what? You too can be a part of the creative process by sharing your ideas and suggestions with me as I go on. If I like the way you think and I’m able to come up with something based on it, you’ll be given full credit for the inspiration whilst making sure the blood keeps on flowing (unless a sexy vampire drains it fully, that is. )
Use the form below to be a part of this supernatural, kinky endeavor. Spell… H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N begins tomorrow. Let’s all have fun while it lasts. Thanks.