Irresistible Threat

The Xarethian Commander exited the ovoid tube that connected the ship’s bridge to the Science Division and entered laboratory number 7 where a group of highly decorated military strategists had gathered to hear the latest – and troubling – findings concerning the Expansion process of their people.
For eons, the Xarethians had been a peaceful people living on the far edges of the known universe and staying out of everyone else’s businesses if they did the same. Despite possessing the technology to do so, they had no plans to venture out into the cold depths of space until necessity gave them no other choice.
One night, between the second and third moon and shortly before the annual harvest time, what appeared to be a normal meteor shower lighting up the purple skies of Xarethia with unending streaks of natural beauty became a nightmare of devastating proportions. A handful of space rocks that crashed on the planet’s surface carried within them a deadly parasitic organism that first contaminated several water streams and then spread to the rest of the vegetation and wildlife. Unstoppable by nature, the invading species triggered a mass exodus, the only chance the Xarethians had for survival.
The ones that made it alive out of this messy ordeal were forced to wander the universe for over three hundred years, looking for a new place to call home. They had been to many planets but none of them possessed the necessary resources to sustain them indefinitely and so the migration continued, an undeterred space caravan still hoping for better days.
A small blue planet orbiting a yellow sun was their most recent hope. The planet was called Earth and its main species, despite its naturally belligerent tendencies, was no match for the Xarethian’s technological advancements and superior firepower. Yet, something had come up that could very well destroy their dreams.
“What was so important to make me come all the way down here?” the Commander asked, visibly unsatisfied.
“Commander, I’m afraid I have bad news,” the head of the Science Division replied. “The most recent observations of the indigenous population have revealed a threat unlike anything we’ve ever faced, In light of what was observed, I don’t think we’re a match for it at all.”
“What do you mean? Elaborate.”
“Yes, Commander. As you know, we recently sent a team of scouts to the planet for a closer assessment of what we were up against and this is what we discovered. If you’ll be so kind as to look at the monitor to your right…”
The Commander and the other officers turned right to face the floating cylindrical sphere that was showing images of a place known as New York. A series of hidden cameras had captured many examples of earthlings’ daily lives but none as striking as the one they were about to see.
“This is subject 13, also known as Bob. He’s a strong and independent businessman who has built himself quite an empire over the years. He is not afraid of anything or anyone but watch what happens when he puts on these wireless devices in his ears.”
“What are they?”
“They’re called AirPods, Commander, but what you really should be focusing on is his eyes. Look! Did you see how they suddenly became completely vacant as if something had taken hold of his mind? That’s because it did.”
“I don’t understand. What just happened?”
“He started listening to this so-called femdom hypnosis file. These are audio creations designed by powerful females that have the ability to alter the brain chemistry of people who listen to them. This man had his brain hijacked by one and became a mindless puppet forced to obey its controller’s will. It’s fascinating but also incredibly alarming.”
“Are you saying mind control is real? It can’t be!”
“It is on this planet. Most of the power is exerted by women called hypnodommes. These controllers are present on every continent of the planet. The one that has completely enslaved Bob is called Goddess Christina but there are tens of thousands like her and they have an ever-growing army of thralls at their service. The power of these females is undeniable, Commander. I fear that their techniques are borderline irresistible. If we try to take over the planet, and they attack us, we will not conquer a thing but be overwhelmed instead.”
“And you concluded all of this from a single subject?” the Commander scoffed. “That doesn’t seem like good scientific reasoning at all.”
“Our sample covers a lot of ground, Commander. Bob was just an example but is surrounded by countless other slaves, most of which completely unaware that they have been brainwashed to obey without question. We’ve lost contact with several scouts since this discovery and all of them were around hypnotic women when it happened. The threat is real, Commander. We should stay clear of this planet and look for another one as soon as possible.”
The commander stared at the scientist’s bulbous head and then confronted the other military personnel. Despite the evidence presented, they were not convinced of any immediate danger and didn’t want to even consider otherwise.
“Thank you for your briefing, but we’re strong enough to overcome any obstacle no matter what. We will continue our preparations for an offensive as planned. The Xarethians will have their new home even if we have to wipe out every single human being on the planet to do so.”
“You’re making a mistake, Commander. Mark my words.”
“We’ll see about that.”
The Xarethians have long been considered extinct following a massive battle that opposed every ship in the fleet to one another. It all happened after the Commander decided to abduct a hypnodomme and bring her aboard to show everyone they were not as dangerous as claimed. The irony of famous last words has never been greater.
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