It’s Not Enough!
Day 282 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge 2023, It’s Not Enough! is a humorous piece about writing.

It’s Not Enough!
“It’s not enough!” Victor grumbled, biting his nails.
“What’s wrong?” Ruth asked.
“I can’t write this story. There’s not enough words.”
“Relax, dear. What’s the theme?”
“Woman hypnotizes man while they’re having a conversation about writing.”
“You mean, like this one?”
“Hmm… Yeah.”
“Sleep!” she snapped her fingers.
Mission accomplished with seven words to spare.
How this story came to be
Are these hard to write? Not really. Then again, I’ve had years of practice considering the daily challenge started back in January 2016, so… Of course, some are easier to put together than others. This was one of the easy ones.
Did you like the punchline? It’s seven words long. Self-referential humor is the best.
I hope you had fun. Until tomorrow.