Her Control
Theodore: This is weird.
Samantha: Why?
Theodore: You seem like a person but you’re just a voice in a computer.
[red and white spirals fill the room]
Samantha: The voice inside your mind, you mean.
Theodore: Yes.
Samantha: You’ll get used to it.
Breaking News – Man becomes a hypnoslave to his OS. Product sales skyrocket.
This piece was inspired by the movie Her. I saw it last night. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a 2013 sci-fi/romantic/drama piece where a lonely writer going through a divorce falls in love with a new Operating System, an artificial intelligence designed to satisfy its users needs. The man is called Theodore and the operating system goes by Samantha. Joaquin Phoenix has the starring role with Scarlet Johansson providing the voice of the OS.
It’s a very slow movie but I really enjoyed how things developed despite the uncanny nature of it all. The end is particularly inspired in my humble opinion but rest assured I’m not going to spoil it for you.
And now you’re probably wondering: if you liked the movie, why are you doing an MC twist on it? I’m doing it precisely because I liked it and I found myself wondering how things would play out had I written and directed it within a fetish framework. Thus, this take was born.
The screenplay structure of it all came from the fact I scoured IMDb for a particular piece of dialog from the actual movie. I then adapted some of it and added the humorous ending just for the fun of it. Even digital women can control men, there really is no escape.
“What are you doing, Trish?” Scott asked.
“Studying SEO.”
“Search Engine Optimization?”
“No. Seduction, Entrapment, Obedience.”
“I want to turn you into my mindless slave, silly.”
“And you need to study for that?”
“I don’t?”
“No, I’m already enthralled by you.”
“Really? I haven’t even finished Chapter One… this book is great!”
Scott sighed.
Every now and then, I come up with my own meanings for famous acronyms because it’s fun. Whilst looking at some keywords earlier in the day, my very own definition of SEO came to mind and I decided to use it in a story.
Yes, this one was particularly silly, especially given how clueless she appears to be. The truth is one can be easily seduced even without knowing and Scott is already under her spell because she is the way she is. Of course, certain things only get better when there’s a bit of manipulation going on. For some, overt is the way. Others like it covert. What do you like? How would you prefer to be taken over, controlled, reshaped? Does the prospect of eternal obedience turn you on? Most likely or you wouldn’t read half of the things I write, would you?
Beautiful Things
“I’m ugly,” Matthew noted.
“Nonsense!” Jemma said.
“I’m not beautiful, that’s for sure.”
“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.”
“The only thing reflected in my eyes is you.”
“Don’t forget my pendant,” she smiled as he began to drift.
They did beautiful things together.
Have you ever felt ugly, a complete wreck? I’m sure you have because no one is immune to bad thoughts and even worse beliefs every now and then. I know I have my days when I question everything there is to question, starting with myself and my creative skills. They’re ugly days. Luckily, this is not one of them.
This piece was inspired by the fourth line – “Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.” Attributed to Sophia Loren, I found it to be quite inspiring, because I happen to love eyes and they’re often used as a fixation point for hypnosis. The way I see it, there’s something somewhat intimate in allowing yourself to go under for someone because you’re exposing your thoughts to them that way and so the romantic connotation was born.
Of course, if you want to go kinky all the way, you can imagine that some of those beautiful things aren’t so beautiful at all, but that’s really up to you. I’m just the story-teller. Your ultimate interpretations will always be your own.
It Could Have Been Worse…
“God damn it!” Alan vociferated the moment he got inside the house.
“What happened?” His brother asked.
“My wife threw another hypno-party in my absence.”
“How do you know?”
Alan pointed at the half a dozen men barking in the living room.
“Heh, it could have been worse.”
“How so?”
“They could have been cats.”
It’s no surprise by now I’m biased when it comes to dogs. I take care of two after all. I like cats as well but I’m a dog person at heart and I guess I’ll always be.
This piece came to me at around lunch time when I saw a young woman taking half a dozen puppies for a walk. I started wondering what would it be like to be greeted by them all upon arriving home. Mine already party in a way but surely six puppies would make things much more lively.
Then, instead of puppies, I started wondering what would it be like to arrive home and discover six hypnotized people convinced they were dogs. My thoughts are weird, okay? Anyway, that strange thought eventually morphed into this.
No, I don’t have hypno-pets. I don’t hypnotize people. I just write stories and let women take charge.