“Did you like the story?” Elliot asked.
“It was awesome, but that vampire seemed… familiar,” Claire noted.
“Yeah, she’s inspired by you.”
“Ah. Is that what I think I am? A mind-controlling bloodsucker?”
“No, though it would be hot if you were.”
“Glad to hear it.” She turned off the lights.
Something bit his cock.
In the mood for something supernatural again and inspiration brought me here. My cock is fine, by the way. I don’t think I was ever inspired by a real vampire but I’ve written stories for succubi, mermaids, robots, and whatnot in the past so… who knows, really? Perhaps, I was mind-controlled to write this, too.
Oh, is that blood on my pants? Fuck!

Whatever She Wants…
“Happy Birthday to me…” Jennifer hummed.
“Wasn’t it last November?” Andrew retorted.
“My birthday is whenever I want just like you are whoever I want…” She grinned.
“Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“In the mood for Vlad, today. Sleep!”
Andrew closed his eyes and Vlad came out to play. He did the Kalinka well.
My birthday really is today and even though the themed event ended yesterday, I had to write something that involved birthdays, right? This humorous impromptu came to me first thing in the morning and, in case you’re wondering, Andrew has many more hypnotically created personalities besides Vlad. Maybe I’ll share some others with you in future pieces.

I Don’t Love Her That Much!
“Everything okay, Mark?” Johnny asked.
“I think Rita has been hypnotizing me.”
“Why do you say that?”
“She told me to clean the house yesterday, and I complied. Why? I don’t love her that much!”
“Not yet…” Johnny mumbled.
“Did you say anything?”
“Nope.” Johnny whistled away. Mistress would be happy to hear the news.
One more June impromptu I scribbled down on my little black book on my way to work. Speaking of which, it’s almost full so I guess I’ll be needing a new one, soon. Still room for a couple more ideas then. Perhaps the next one will come from it, too.

How Does it Work?
The lamp was heavier than expected.
“So how does this work?” Peter queried.
“Simple,” Natalie replied. “Press this button here to activate the hypnotic light. Control the depth of trance with the slider above. Neat, huh?”
“I suppose, but I can’t be hypnotized.”
“Of course not…” She smiled as he stared into his empty hands.
By now, you know I like to play with perceptions a lot in these snippets, and decided to do it again. There’s really no hypnotic lamp in this one but I wouldn’t mind having one. How about you? How many times were your perceptions hypnotically altered to make you see things that weren’t there, huh?