One Goal
For a decade, Jared had only one goal: to sleep with a woman from every country in the world before he died.
Then, he met Penelope, the most beautiful Greek creation since the myth of Aphrodite. She whispered to his cock, weak mind listened.
The new objective is to serve females everywhere. He won’t fail.
Have you ever had “weird” goals in your life? And by that, I mean unusual stuff other people probably wouldn’t give a damn about? I’ve had plenty and I’ve reveled in that strangeness. It’s part of my creativity, it’s part of who I am. When I was younger, one of my “goals” was to know every flag and every capital of every country in the world. It was just for fun but I actually won a school competition because of it. At the time, I knew them all, even of the countries that were still emerging. Nowadays, not so much, but it was fun while it lasted.
This piece was born partly because I remembered that and also as a reminder that goals aren’t static. They can and they should change so we can evolve. Women can certainly change ours, especially those of the hypnotic kind. Find our goal and go for it. They’ll love to see you fire all cylinders to accomplish it.

Great Things…
“Yes, General?”
“Excited to return to work?”
“No. I was enjoying my holidays.”
“Isn’t five months enough?”
“Not when the year has had six already.”
“Don’t be lazy, there are a lot of great things happening here.”
“Like what?”
“We have a dozen new agents.”
“Really?” Her eyes lit up.
“Fuck!” The General mumbled.
Felt like it was time for another Alexandra piece since I’m continuing my work on her latest full-length story (which is almost a novel by now). You may argue there’s no real femdom and hypnosis in this one but given what she does all the time, it’s easy to imagine what will become of the twelve new agents in the future, right.
Tell me the truth: are you jealous?

Dog Training
“Who’s a good boy? You are. Yes, you are!” Hannah chirped.
“Training your dog again?” Her sister, Madeleine, opened the bedroom door. “What the fuck?!!”
A man wearing a dog mask growled at her.
“Training your boyfriend, actually.” Hannah retorted. “You don’t mind, right?”
“Of course, I do!”
“Too bad…” Hannah reached for a syringe.
One more impromptu. I have two dogs (or I should say, I take care of two dogs because they’re not mine but rather their own selves) and I’ve never been good with training and whatnot. I spoil them as much as I can because they’re my family and I suffer when they’re hurting, too. You know how it goes, right? I love dogs but human pets can be fun too, right? Yes, Madeleine is about to become one, too.

Her Fault
David frowned when he saw the new clothes.
“I don’t want to become a doll!”
“You must. Sorry, it’s not up to me…” Amanda replied.
“Of course, it’s up to you! You’re the hypnotist!”
“No, it’s her. It’s her fault!” She pointed at the puppet in her left hand.
David sighed and began to undress.
Do you like hand puppets? I used to find them somewhat creepy when I was younger. Nowadays, I don’t have any qualms with them though I still remember the way they made me feel. Puppets coming to life is a staple of the horror genre but one can have fun with them in a femdom context, too.
You know those types of games when the hypnotist says she didn’t do a thing to you, that you’re imagining things, etc? Well, this is yet another excuse. Amanda isn’t the hypnotist, the puppet is. Are you a puppet, too?