Eric tossed the green beer aside. “Not drinking that, Colleen.”
“Why not?”
“Because it will probably make me your slave for the day or something.”
“Oops… busted,” she brushed her hair against his.
“Is that a new perfu… oh!”
For you see, the real luck of the Irish consists on always having a plan B…
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We don’t really celebrate the date around here, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be noted, and even better, serve as a source of inspiration. This is me going on a humorous tangent once again. I don’t drink anything alcoholic, have (alas!) a very poor sense of smell, but I do have some words to share. I’m lucky to be able to express myself this way, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in this world or the next. Enjoy your day.

“It’s been a month already?”
“Yeah, feels like a year though.”
“Funny how time goes by…”
“You’re right. Thank God it’s Friday.”
“It’s Saturday, Fred.”
“It was Friday a second ago.”
“Are you sure?” Laura continued swinging her pocket watch.
“I… no.”
And to think they had only known each other for five minutes.
Time is a funny thing, isn’t it? I opened this site to the general public on February 18th in my part of the world and it’s March 18th already. I had to do something to evoke the fact, but I wrapped it in a little exercise about perception and a bit of mind control fun. Thank you to everyone that has dropped by this little corner of the Internet in the last month and I hope you can continue enjoying these fantasy escapades as well as everything else that’s in the making. We’ll be here all year, at least. Have a good weekend.

The Controlled Avenger
“Mrs. Peel, you look ravishing tonight, but what’s with the whip?”
“Thinking of peeling off some of your skin, obviously.”
“And the riding crop?”
“It’s to turn you into my trusty steed.”
“I take it that glowing orb is some kind of mind control apparatus then.”
Steed unbuttoned his collar, Emma grabbed a leash.
Back in the 60’s, there was this TV show entitled The Avengers. It was a very popular show featuring espionage, comedy, sci-fi and whatnot. For many, the height of its popularity was in the years where Patrick Macnee and Diana Rigg played the roles of John Steed and Emma Peel.
I’m included in that lot. Although the show originally aired before I was born, I did watch it as I was growing up and it’s hard to deny its impact on my fetish views of the world, especially considering images such as this one.
Now, I’m well aware that there’s an inherent degree of objectification to it all. It’s widely known that her character was one of “Man Appeal” but, at the same time, she was smart, resourceful, and quite capable. I was drawn to her mostly on those accounts but sure, the visual stimuli certainly left a bit of an impression as well, and denying it would be hypocritical of me so I won’t do that.
Today, I was reminded of the show for some reason and decided that should be my working theme. Puns run wild through and through because the character’s names allow for that within a funny, kinky context. The title comes from a variation of an actual episode title, namely The Winged Avenger and the last line spoofs some of the comic tag lines that appeared during the show’s fourth season. For instance, there was another episode entitled The Joker where the opening caption was “Steed trumps an ace, Emma plays a lone hand.”, so I did something similar to it because my mind works in mysterious ways, and I tend to let it do what it wants when it comes to these random things.
On a purely personal level, this is one of my favorite short pieces in a very long time, hence the long comments. I hope you enjoyed it as well.

Wet Dreams
Last year, Paul met a mermaid, heard her sing.
Against all odds though, he resisted enslavement. She was pissed.
With the help of the sea witches, a curse was placed.
Now, every night, he sleepwalks to the nearest pool, waking up in frustration shortly after.
Those were not the wet dreams he was hoping for.
Dealing with fantastic, mythological or supernatural creatures is always a gamble because their rules and ours often clash in earth-shattering ways.
Still, who wouldn’t want to flirt with a pixie, ride a unicorn, or find a genie in a bottle? Once more, I chose a familiar concept (it’s in the title, impossible to miss) and twisted it until the result was something uncanny and somewhat funny, I believe. The punishment could have certainly been worse, but let’s put any idea of nastiness aside and simply have fun with it, okay?