A New Game Begins
“It’s-a-Me, Mario! Princess, where is my cake?”
“There you go…” Princess Peach said, grinning.
“Mamma Mia! This-a-cake sure tastes funny…”
“I didn’t hear Luigi, Bowser or any of the Toads complaining… time to play a new game.”
“Okey dokey…” he mumbled, droopy head falling on the table.
The game was called Super Mario Femdom World.
I’m a bit of a gamer although my time for software escapades is very reduced, nowadays. Still, it’s always fun to twist virtual worlds into even more twisted things, but I do it mostly for the laughs. Some of my photo-stories also use video game characters and themes as a reference every now and then. I’ve worked with things like The Legend of Zelda series (a personal favorite, by the way), Metroid, Dark Souls, and a couple of others I can’t remember at the moment, but now we’re going on a little trip to the Mushroom Kingdom. You can thank Nintendo, Charles Martinet, and my crazy imagination for it all. Not trying to ruin anyone’s childhood here, simply having some fun, so I hope you did, too.

“Wake up, sleepyhead!” Zoe giggled.
“How long was I out?” Julian asked.
“Two days.”
“If it’s any consolation, you weren’t really sleeping most of the time…”
“Then what was I…?” He looked around. There was a French maid’s outfit on the floor.
“Do you really want to know, Juliette?” She laughed.
“Non,” he blushed.
Sometimes, my pieces don’t have direct references to hypnosis or mind-control but just because you can’t read about them, that doesn’t mean they’re not there.
Take the above piece of humor for instance. I think it’s easy enough to understand something out of the ordinary took place, right? Oh, and I’m pretty sure he made the right choice in the end.

Monday: research the reproduction habits of green crabs in Patagonia;
Tuesday: click the letter “y” every ten minutes;
Wednesday: study 300 paint samples of beige and decide which is the prettiest;
Thursday: handwrite “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” 1500 times;
Friday: look deeply into Janice’s eyes.
“Finally, an easy task…” Steven thought as he fell deeper under her spell.
Tasks are a very important part of D/s relationships. They can be used for training purposes, motivational exercises, as a means of punishment, etc. Ultimately, their underlying purposes end up being the same though: correct an undesirable behavior and/or reinforce the authority of the Dominant as the one that must be obeyed. Some tasks are directly expressed as such, others not so much appearing as ordinary activities that, after enough repetition, become ingrained in the submissive’s mind as something that must be done no matter what.
Tasks used as punishments are often boring, things the submissive doesn’t really like doing at all, otherwise they wouldn’t have any sort of impact on his/her psyche. Some can even be construed as “impossible” to complete to try to instill a change in a more profound manner. Some people react better to certain things than others so, when it comes to this, there’s always a fine line to be taken into account. If the push is too soft, the results may fall short, and the behavior remain unchanged. If it’s too hard, the submissive may feel unfairly treated, build resentments, and bring down the dynamic along with them.
Boring things do have another advantage though. They create an alternate state of mind. The mindless repetition, the droning, tires the brain and, when more attractive stimuli come into play, it becomes easier to control one’s person’s thoughts or actions. I used this basic premise for today’s story, thus concluding three months of this challenge. Only nine more to go. Enjoy, and have a good weekend.