Year 5 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge. The stories in this post were written between March 1st and March 31st.
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Her Will
The computer screen flashed out of control. Jeremy saw the bright colors and tasted them on his lips. The triggers ran deep, he couldn’t resist. It was time to forget and embrace Marjorie’s will.
The black dress in waiting didn’t feel so strange anymore. Eyes glazed, he went looking for a matching pair of shoes.
Random impromptu after quite an exhausting day. Sometimes, I work more on “off days” than on others but that’s okay. Everything worth fighting for demands and deserves sacrifice. Losing one’s mind is just a side effect (just kidding on the last part!)

Tears Are Words
Salt rolled down Victor’s eyes.
“Everything is okay,” Helen said.
“No, it’s not. I lost it for good.”
“So what? Did you really need your mind?”
“What do I have left without it?”
“Mine.” She whispered.
It was beautiful. And infinite. Tears are words waiting to be written. He wrote “submission” with each one.
Yes, I’m back to quote-inspired pieces because I stumbled upon one I really liked. I only used part of it in the story for it was the only way to “twist” it into something meaningful for what I had in mind. The complete quote by the Brazilian novelist is the following:
I cry very easily. It can be a movie, a phone conversation, a sunset – tears are words waiting to be written.
As someone who is incredibly sensitive, I know the feeling. However, there’s no harm in crying, there’s no harm in feeling things and letting yourself be swept by them. We often think that’s the case but thoughts often get in the way and so feelings must be heard.
One of the greatest feelings in the world comes from a D/s relationship, from giving yourself to another, mind control or not. Of course, we already that it can enhance it, so let it. Embrace the thoughts of another. Smile, cry, and live for them.

Falling Into Nothingness
Dan was falling. Hard.
“Down… deeper… faster… unable to stop…” Carmen’s soothing voice echoed in his ears. “By the time you hit the ground, you’ll be my slave for life. Drop, pet. Drop for me.”
The air cracked, his eyes rolled. He spiraled into nothingness as the parachute finally opened.
Hypnotic skydiving was the best!
Have I told you guys before I’m somewhat afraid of heights? I think so but I’m not really sure. It’s true. I am. The first time, I was on a plane, I felt really weird, thought I was going to die the moment I looked down.
Naturally, I didn’t. I’m still here writing stories but the fear of heights remains. Skydiving is something that fascinates me on some level but it’s also something I know I can never try.
However, today this came to me during my lunch break. Don’t know why, not going to bother trying to find out but don’t you think it would be quite the experience to be hypnotized in mid-air? Probably dangerous as well but this is fantasy and in fantasies, anything goes.

Chain Reaction
It was Wednesday again and Diana was streaming live! Around the world, eager fans salivated, waiting for her reactions.
Tonight, she was watching a hypnotic video, pulsating lights flashing everywhere.
“So hot!” She moaned, grinding the microphone. “I’m gonna cum! God, I’m gonna cum so hard!”
Millions did first. They never saw her wicked grin.
Cult of personality comes in many forms. We have movie stars, singers, socialites… and also YouTubers, Twitch streamers, etc.
I wanted to play a bit with it and also add some mass hypnosis to the mix. This impromptu was written on my phone as I was walking home from work today. Are you interested in watching her streams?