Year 6 of Spell… B-O-U-N-D’s Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control 55 Words Stories Challenge. The stories in this post were written between March 1st and March 31st.
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Not as Big
Thomas shuddered. Exposed boobs and a crystal pendant were a combination for disaster.
“We’re not doing this, Gwen!” He exclaimed.
“Are you sure?” She purred.
“Yeah. I’m a big boy. I can resist your charms.”
“You’re not as big as these…” She rubbed them on his face. “You were saying?”
“I’m already entranced.”
“I know”
Boobnosis week is almost over at my Patreon feed as all the captions I’ve been creating since last Wednesday have featured it in one way or another. Today, I did three more and in between coming up with the ideas for it, I wrote this one and thus started the third month of Year 6 of this daily challenge or, if you prefer, the 63rd month, overall. You can’t resist boobs and you never will so don’t even try.

Mental Sketch
Harris sat behind his desk, listening to his hypnotic Goddess’ warm voice.
“Tell me what you see.” She purred.
“Rainbow trees, a dozen dolphin-shaped towers in the distance, a spiral of stars cascading before my eyes…”
“Wonderful. Your imagination is unstoppable, dear. Enjoy the ride.”
Harris reached for his box of crayons and started drawing.
I’m always open to prompt/theme suggestions when it comes to this challenge. A few days ago, Lady Inamorata was kind enough to send me one, which I transcribed below:
distance training with hypnosis. imagination knows no boundaries. no time, no space, no geography.
I actually only saw this yesterday otherwise I would have answered it, sooner. Writing is my forte but I didn’t want to do another writing-related piece so I chose another artistic medium that I’m quite fond of despite never being any good at it and I put the idea into words. A simple take, really, but this is a micro-fiction challenge after all. Thank you for the suggestion, Lady Inamorata.

Right Shot
Thomas entered his sister’s bedroom. He had had many adverse reactions to vaccines before but none as strong as the mental fog he was now in. His cock raged the moment he saw her exposed pussy by the bed.
“Are you sure you gave me the right shot?” He asked.
“Positive.” She spread her legs.
Have you had your flu shot this year? Not me. In fact, I never had a flu shot in my life because, thankfully, I never needed it. Sure, I’ve been sick a few times before – haven’t we all? – but that’s it. I’m not anti-vax but I do believe in priorities and others come first when it comes to things like this.
Anyway, a co-worker had his yesterday and told me all about it during my lunch break. The idea for this one came shortly after that. Would you like to experience such dirty side effects?

It was a simple procedure, just a snip and…
Jake counted backward from one hundred. The anesthesia was sweet, like going into a trance. He saw blue eyes before his mind went blank.
Two hours later, Jacqueline rose from the bed. She loved her new plastic boobs almost as much as she loved her Goddess.
My mother called me today to say she is having surgery next week. She’s been on a waiting list for a breast reduction procedure for quite some time now (hers are too big and the weight hurts her spine). Because of the pandemic, she had already given up hope of having the procedure this year but it’s happening. Next Friday morning, she’s going under the knife. After she received the call, she got a little nervous – which is understandable – and sharing the news helped her settle down a bit. It also inadvertently inspired this one because I’m crazy that way, but I took it one step further.
Not a fantasy of mine, but perhaps it’s yours, and if so…