Counting Backwards
Jonathan blinked and started over. Counting backwards was easy… except when his Hypnodomme told him to.
“Ten, nine, eight… I forgot!”
That’s too bad, pet.” Mistress Hannah smirked. “Need any help?”
“No, I can do it. Ten, nine, eight… damn it!”
She laughed. Perhaps, one day he would get to seven, but not that day.
Do you know how sometimes we take things for granted? For instance, once we learn to count, it never crosses our mind that, one day, we might not remember how to do it, but human minds are easy to confuse and once the hypnotic fog sinks in, only suggestions remain. Seven? What is that? Never heard of it.
Just kidding… I do remember stuff like that but not sure if you do. You should ask your Mistress if you remember you have one, that is.

The Burden of Thinking
Graham opened his wardrobe and froze. He had never chosen his clothes before. The uncertainty was unbearable. This was impossible! Brainwashed toys and decisions don’t go hand in hand.
He looked at his Mistress and kneeled, begging to be relieved of the burden of thinking again. She smiled and picked up the red maid’s outfit.
Have you ever had trouble figuring out what to dress? Can’t say I have but then again, it’s not like a never-ending wardrobe. I also have a particular taste in clothes which I don’t usually stray away from. My mother, on the other hand…
She’s still staying with me as she recovers from her operation but her birthday is in two days and I know for a fact she spent some time today figuring out what she’s wearing that day. Using that as a reference, I wrote today’s piece, adapting it to the challenge. Are you having trouble thinking right now?

Is That All?
The compulsion struck the moment Derek received his paycheck. He left work, stopped in front of a black limo waiting for him, and handed an envelope to the fur-clad woman inside.
“Is that all, slave?” She asked.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Good. Forget this happened. See you next month.”
He smiled vacantly as the car drove off.
One last impromptu to conclude the third month of Year 6 of this challenge. We’re already at 63 months and going all the way to 72. I hope you’ll remember to continue going on this journey with us. As for your wallet, you don’t really need it, right?