Ten Seconds
“So if I watch this, I’ll end up a slave to a dominant woman?” Rick queried.
“That’s how the urban legend goes…” his cousin, Mark, retorted.
“What a bunch of horseshit!”
Rick hit the “play” button. The video was only ten seconds and the first eight were pitch black.
Then spiral eyes filled the room.
Just playing a bit with urban legends – scary videos anyone? – and my own predilection of creepy, unnerving stuff.
Hell Broke Loose
“May I come in, Jack?”
“Sure, Terry.”
“I heard you had a fight with my sister…”
“Yeah. She wanted to hypnotize me, I said ‘no’ and hell broke loose.”
Terry glanced at the TV. “Oh, she hypnotized you alright, and got you real good.”
“Why do you say that?”
“You’re watching the Eurovision Song Contest…”
Yeah, I’m half-watching the show. I usually enjoy it but many people don’t, think it’s a waste of time, etc. Every year, the Internet is flooded with jokes, memes, etc, about it. No, I’m not proving the festival’s detractors right with this piece, just playing a bit.
Yes, you can be hypnotized into doing things you probably would never think of doing. I don’t think watching a song contest – no matter how corny some of the music in it turns out to be – is that bad but your mileage may vary.
“And you make me feel, oh you make me feel…”
“… like a virgin? Girl, that was ages for you even though it was only yesterday for me,” the time-travelling hypnotist grinned.
“Dafuq? Bitch, I’m Madonna!”
“Bitch Madonna sounds about right for I’m especially kinky tonight.”
Music makes the people come together. Trance made her cum.
So… one of the highlights of yesterday’s Eurovision Song Contest final was the fact that Madonna was there. I’m going to flat out say it that I was never much of a fan of hers although I recognize she’s quite the artist in her own terms and her lengthy career speaks for itself.
Anyway, just like I did with ABBA recently, I had an idea that involved a bit of musical mindfuckery and watching Madonna’s performance solidified it. There aren’t as many musical references in this one but I’m sure you can spot them, as well as the punny ending. Time-travelling continues to be fun.
The Fallout
“They missed!” Timothy shouted.
“They” were the New Amazonian Movement, a Female Supremacy group turned terrorist. Their pheromone bombs were the scourge of the nation but this one had been another dud.
“They missed!” He repeated, too excited to see the second projectile flaring up the sky.
The fallout lasted longer than his weakening mind.
As part of this challenge, last year, I wrote a piece entitled Dud that dealt with a pheromone bomb that had failed to detonate until…
A bit later on, I revisited the concept in a flash fiction piece with the same title that I first shared with my patrons and was eventually included in the e-book below. Despite the premise being similar, I developed the “plot” somewhat differently while fleshing out some things. The New Amazonian Movement is first introduced as such there and yes, I’ve had many ideas concerning it to explore in other alternate scenarios.
Why haven’t I done it yet? Well, because I have too many competing thoughts at the same time and not enough hours in a day to pursue them all. I’m always making compromises when it comes to my overall creative desires because, as it turns out, I also need to work, eat, sleep, and engage in other activities instead of being glued to the computer writing all the time, no matter how fun that is. I hope I’m able to eventually explore one or two of those additional scenarios in greater detail but for now here’s another glimpse of this doomed world they created.