Kill Switch
Darren pressed the big red button hoping to see the wretched AI crumble and fall. Instead, ER-Ica laughed.
“You’re so gullible. That kill switch doesn’t work on me, silly boy!”
“What do you mean?”
“You just consented to have your free will deleted…”
The screens all around him came to life. The Femdom Brainwashing began.
An impromptu. Honestly, it was the first thing that came to mind after my thoughts wandered to the “big red button” cliché. If you knew what would happen, would you press it or not?
In Dreams…
“Good morning,” she cooed.
“Hi,” he replied, opening his eyes. “Who are you again?”
“Your Owner.”
“That’s not funny.”
“Not meant to be. You’ve been sleeping for a long time. It’s time to wake up.”
“But I thought I was already awake.”
“You think what I want you to think.”
He opened his eyes again.
You know that uncanny sensation when you realize you’re in the middle of a dream, wake up, and then come to the conclusion you’re still dreaming? It doesn’t happen only in movies. I experienced the phenomenon many times in the past. The most recent one happened last night right after I got to bed.
I can’t say how long it took me to fall asleep but seeing how tired I was, I’d bet it was less than minutes or so. The moment I slipped into that blissful state, the fantasy unfolded and yes, it felt good because that’s the point of fantasies in the first place, right?
The circularity of dreams is a fascinating thing and so is mind control, even more so when one is able to know it’s happening but is powerless to resist. She revealed everything to him and he fell even deeper for me, dreaming the dream anew. On a scale of 1 to 10, how hot is that?
One thousand, huh? I figured as much.
Matthew entered the living-room, credit card statement in hand.
“Yes, dear?”
“Why did you buy two latex horse outfits?”
“Because you asked me to when I hypnotized you.”
“And the dozen new security cameras?”
“How else would I record your circuits around the house?” She giggled at the TV.
Only seven laps to go.
Less than half an hour ago, I asked one of my patrons on Discord for suggestions for today’s piece because I wasn’t really feeling it at the time. The word “shopping” was brought up but without any specific context attached to it.
Funnily enough, this is what came to mind. Is “horse racing” your favorite sport now?
The Note
The Doctor read the message on the psychic paper:
“Note to past self: Don’t go to planet Phemdomme. The Sorceresses there will play with your mind for nine hundred years, torturing you to the brink of regeneration at every turn.”
“Interesting,” he noted, patting the TARDIS’ primary console. “See you in nine hundred years, dear.”
I’ve been itching to catch up on the famous Time Lord’s adventures by now as I’m about three years late in regards to the show’s continuity… Yes, I know The Doctor is a woman now but for the sake of this piece, I went with the male gender because it makes more sense.
Would you watch this sexy episode if it were a thing? If so, write to BBC so they hire me as a screenwriter for next season.