Her Hobbies
Charles loved Sharon but she was the definition of “volatile”. Every week, a different hobby, all a bust.
First, were the cookies that tasted like dirt. Then, came the gardening, and all plants cried.
Now, it was electronic music, hypnotic beats to “blow up his mind”.
“Right…” He muttered, mindlessly licking her feet. So delusional!
Busy day today. It’s pretty much a Summer Sunday and I spent most of it writing, with a few breaks along the way. During those, sometimes I play a video, on other occasions I play with my dogs… and there’s always time for music. This piece was written while the music below played in the background. I always felt like it has an entrancing quality to it so… The piece in question is entitled Quicksilver by Mike Oldfield. Please enjoy.
Communication Failure
Dahlia slapped her boyfriend’s face in the center of the shopping mall.
“What do you have to say for yourself?” She asked.
“You told me to cum…” Gregory bawled.
“No. What I said was: come here!”
“Stupid hypnotic trigger…” he mumbled.
“What’s that?”
“Nothing, Mistress.”
“Good. Come along.”
He whimpered in shame as everyone laughed.
Something dirty randomly came to me. It runs outside my gamut of kinks but stories and stories and they need to be told. I actually considered calling it Cummunication Failure just for fun but chose not to go the easy pun route this time. I do pity poor Gregory though because I have a feeling it won’t be the last of his humiliating experiences with such poorly handed triggers.
I hope you had fun. Once I’m done with today’s updates, I’m taking some time to myself before getting back to boring old vanilla reality, tomorrow.
Election Day
“The results are in.” The television blared. “With a whopping 78% of the votes, the FSP takes the election! Among other things, the Female Supremacy group advocates hypnotizing, brainwashing, and enslaving all men.”
“Well done in playing your part, honey.” Harriet patted her husband’s head.
“Funny, I don’t remember voting at all.” Brian shrugged.
Another humorous impromptu. This one came to me as I was walking home from work, today. Not really much else to tell except… don’t forget to vote.
It’s Okay
“Well…?” Madge asked.
“It’s a cake!” Frank replied.
“The taste, dumbass!”
“It’s… okay.” He mumbled.
“Just okay?”
“What do you want me to say?”
“That it’s heavenly and made you realize you need to serve me…”
“Are you high?”
“No… fuck!”
“What happened?”
“I forgot the hypnotics!” She threw the recipe book out the window.
Have I told you about my cooking skills? They’re average at best but I like to try some new stuff from time to time. I once did a watercress cake that was surprisingly yummy. However, the last time I tried my hand at a cake, it… well… in the end, it became anything but it, and let’s leave it at that.
I found myself thinking about it today and decided to write about a failed cake as well. This is what came out because, even though they always end in the end, sometimes Dommes fail, too. They may be Goddesses, Mistresses, Princesses, and all the other titles you know and love but, in the end, they’re humans, too. Don’t forget that, okay?